Monday, August 01, 2005


Another interesting story, I'd file this under the heading "Global Warming Propaganda" ...

Hurricanes more powerful - study says ...

MIT hurricane specialist Kerry Emanuel contends that the storms are growing larger and reaching higher maximum wind speeds than in the past.

And it's GLOBAL WARMING that's causing this.

I live on the coast - and I've experienced MANY hurricanes. I can tell you - hurricanes ARE NOT getting more intense. By far, the most intense hurricane I've ever lived through was Hurricane CAMILLE in 1969 (a.k.a. "the BIG one" - as it's known down here in bayou country).

Soooo, I just did a little checking on just to see what the most intense U.S. hurricanes of the last century have been. Here's the list in order of intensity ...

(Note here that not all of these hurricanes have "names" - prior to around 1953 the National Weather Service didn't formally name hurricanes.)

1. Florida Keys Hurricane (1935 / CAT 5)
2. CAMILLE (1969 / CAT 5)
3. ANDREW (1992 / CAT 5)
4. Florida Keys / Texas (1919 / CAT 4)
5. Lake Okeechobee, Fla (1928 / CAT 4)
6. DONNA (1960 / CAT 4)
7. Galveston, TX (1900 / CAT 4)
8. Grande Isle. LA (1909 / CAT 4)
9. New Orleans, LA (1915 CAT 4)
10. CARLA (1961 / CAT 4)

So, of the TOP TEN most intense hurricanes in the U.S. - only FOUR are even recent enough to have names! Only four of the TOP TEN are even younger than 50 years old (half a century) - with the bulk of the list clearly appearing before World War II - or even before World War I.

It just amazes me that this guy, Kerry Emanuel, can just jump to the conclusions he makes when he SHOULD KNOW that we didn't even have accurate methods of even measuring hurricane intensities until about 30 to 40 years ago. So how does he know that hurricanes today are stronger if the data we have on every hurricane before then is suspect?

It's all about propaganda folks - and getting people to believe that Global Warming is an undisputed fact.

And the Kerry Emanuel's back in the '70's were all predicting that an ICE AGE was coming. No really, they were. If you were alive during the '70's then you remember how the scientists were telling us about how much the earth's climate was getting COLDER and how we were poised on the edge of another global ICE AGE.

Only 25 years later - they've reversed themselves!

It's all propaganda - "Chicken Little" - the "sky is falling" type stuff.

Wish they'd make up their mind though - I'd like to know whether or not I should buy a jacket - or a tank top and some sun screen!

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