Friday, August 12, 2005


Here’s a poll that came out earlier this year – you didn’t hear much about it because it doesn’t do anything to inflate the liberal antiwar movement …

The findings are part of an annual Military Times Poll, which this year included 1,423 active-duty subscribers to Air Force Times, Army Times, Navy Times and Marine Corps Times. The subscribers were randomly surveyed by mail in late November and early December. The poll has a margin of error of +/—2.6%.

In spite of mounting casualties in the Iraq war – support among the troops remains very high …

63% approve of the way President Bush is handling the war.

60% remain convinced that the war is worth fighting. Of the ACTUAL combat veterans of the war – 66% believe it is worth fighting.

But doesn’t that mean, through extrapolation, that 44% of the combat vets believe the war isn’t worth fighting?

No it doesn’t. The 66% approval rating is a SOLID number – meaning troops who answered that they firmly believed the war was worth fighting. The other 44% contains a mixture of troops with varying opinions such as “hope it’s worth fighting”, “undecided”, and “definitely not worth fighting” – which I believe to be a small number.

Yeah, so what’s the point?

The point I’m trying to make here is this – if this were a wasted, ill-conceived war – don’t you think the TROOPS WHO ARE FIGHTING IT would be the first to realize this? Yet, in large numbers, they continue to personally support it!

Why hasn’t CNN reported this? Why hasn’t any of the MSM reported this? Why is Cindy Sheehan – who obviously represents a pitifully small minority of parents who have lost son’s or daughters in this war – why is SHE the MSM “darling of the day”? Why is the MSM paying attention to ONLY the minority view of this issue?

The answer is – it suits their liberal agenda. And their antiwar propaganda is having an affect here in the United States because we can already see polls’ showing American support for the war is waning.

I once heard a quote – originally attributed to Adolf Hitler – don’t know for sure if he actually said it but it sounds like something he would have said. The quote goes “Repeat a lie often enough and eventually people will believe it is true.”

The liberal MSM has altered this saying – but only slightly – to something like … “bury the REAL truth long enough and people will begin to believe it doesn’t exist.”

Though there haven’t been very many, almost every news interview with a Soldier or Marine serving in Iraq has shown that these men and women in uniform believe in what they are doing – and think it’s a good thing – and thinks we ought to stick it out. Why then do we see nothing more than BAD news in the MSM? Why does Teddie Kennedy get even a second of airtime from the MSM on the subject of the Iraq war when he HASN'T EVEN EVER BEEN TO IRAQ? Don't you think a PFC on the ground in Bagdad probably knows more about the war than Teddie does? Why isn't the MSM interviewing that PFC?

Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps Times does this polling every year. For the last two consecutive years – the numbers have been virtually unchanged with overwhelming support among troops for this war – and their elected leaders who are conducting it.

But this year – when that poll is taken – I predict that the numbers will go down. Why?

Because the MSM antiwar drumbeat is starting to penetrate to our troops – and our troops are beginning to believe that the American public doesn’t have the stomach for this war. They’re starting to believe it’s VIETNAM all over again – with them winning the war on the ground, but with the liberal press telling everyone at home they aren’t and people believing them. The MSM is telling these troops that their leaders don’t know what they’re doing – that they’re incompetent. The MSM is telling them – subtly – that this war isn’t worth fighting.

It’s hard for a Soldier or Marine to keep his chin up when the propaganda is swirling lies and the MSM refuses to broadcast and write about the truth. It’s hard to keep the faith and push on when that happens.

That’s why it’s important that those of us WHO KNOW THE TRUTH – SHOUT IT OUT LOUD! As loud as we can!


Mauser*Girl said...

Good post. The quote, by the way, is by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister or Propaganda.

As for what BoCanada says, he obviously doesn't know much about the military. The majority of our force is made up of people who have been in pre-Bush. Not young 18 and 19 year olds who don't know any better. Many, many, many people in the military have college degrees and masters degrees. And more than a quarter of the overall force is made up of women. So any statement of "that's why all young men make such good cannon fodder" is stupid in the least.

Vercingetorix said...

Randy, thanks for correcting my math here! If you look at the post above I've put a link up to the survey.

For Boca - I respect your opinion Bro - but not as much as the guys on the ground over there - sorry. Have you ever been to IRAQ Boca? I have. But in any case I don't buy the liberal antiwar claims that they're doing this all in order to SAVE young men - especially when your comments clearly indicate you have such a low opinion of them. I don't think y'all are screaming out to save a bunch of young men (Hero's in my opinion) that you obviously disdain.

Also, as I stated - the 34% that aren't listed in the "pro" column aren't there for various reasons that run the spectrum of "hope it's worth fighting for" all the way to "definitely not worth fighting". So the number of troops that oppose the war outright is substantially lower than 34%. That's not sad - that's GREAT! Bill Clinton never got 66% of the vote in ANY of his elections - yet we were all told that his victories were all mandates. Additionally, if Bush's approval rating were 66% right now - even you would not argue that that's not a stellar number. But regardless, even it the poll had shown 90% support then libs would have still pointed to the 10% that didn't.

Vercingetorix said...

Oh, one other thing, the last person that I personally knew who died in Iraq was a woman - Enlisted Sailor. She was one of the 4 or 5 troops killed (all women by the way) at a highway checkpoint by a suicide bomber about 2 months ago. Yes, most of the casualty lists have males - 18-30 because that IS the majority of our force. However, for anyone paying attention and looking closely - women and older troops ARE on the lists of casualties and deaths.