Thursday, September 27, 2007

Here Come Dem Dang Dems!

They're whacko, they're emboldened, THEY'RE IN CHARGE OF CONGRESS NOW and, by golly - they're coming for YOUR wallet next!

I'm talking about Congressman John Dingle's LUDICROUS NEW BILL to "tax carbon". Some of the "whacky" and hilarious highlights of Dingle's bill include ...

  • A FIFTY CENT PER GALLON TAX ON GASOLINE. That's added to the current 18.4 cents per gallon we're currently paying - so Dingle wants to raise the FEDERAL gas tax effectively to 68.4 cents per gallon! Now - that's not the worst of it - because the STATES also tax gas and in many localities - consumers also pay a local excise tax on gas. Fact is - if you live in California right now - you're paying 60 cents per gallon in combined Federal / State / Local taxes. Of that 60 cents - only 18.4 cents is Federal tax - ALL THE REST is courtesy of the California Governor and State House. If Dingle's bill becomes law - then Californians will be paying $1.10 in taxes for EACH GALLON of gas they purchase! Oh, and - of course if the Feds raise their tax on gas - nothing's going to stop the states from also increasing their share of the tax also!!
  • A $50 per ton tax on CARBON produced from sources like petroleum, coal, natural gas - basically this is a tax on your electric bill - so Dingle wants to make it more expensive for you to use these fuels to heat your home. Makes perfect sense right? I mean - we're paying ridiculously low home utility bills right now anyway right? Please!
  • Phase out the mortgage interest deduction on primary mortgages on houses over 3000 square feet. Here's the funny part - Dingle, Mr. Smarty Pants - doesn't like you guys with large homes because ... "These homes have contributed to increased sprawl and longer commutes. Despite new homes in and of themselves being more energy efficient, the sheer size, sprawl and commutes lead to dramatically more energy use – or to put it more simply, a larger carbon footprint."
What the fuck folks?

Read that sentence - a large home results in LONGER commutes! Fuck you guys who are living in 3K square foot homes out in the country - MOVE YOUR ASS TO THE CITY NOW! And if you don't - Dingle and his Democratic Global Warming Alarmists will break your checkbook with their new taxes!

Mao moved people out of the cities to go work on farms and in communes out in the country. The Democrats (who are Socialists just like Mao claimed to be for the most part) want to do kind of a "reverse Mao" trick here and move folks out of the rural areas and into the cities where they can be forced to take buses and eventually end up voting Democratic like most urbanites do these days.

Democrats really don't recognize any of what exists outside of an urban environment - farmers just increase Global Warming with their tractor exhaust and bovine flagellates. All of that peace and quiet and, frankly, unrestrained carbon emission has to be reigned in and eliminated for the Dems to feel comfortable. How the American "breadbasket" will feed the world when we turn all the farmers into taxi drivers is not something on the Democratic radar scope right now.

Who the fuck is Dingle to say that you can't live in the country folks? Who the fuck is he to judge you and the size of YOUR home??

All of this in the name of global warming but none of this takes into account anything like the energy efficiency of a home. There are MANY 2,000 square foot homes that utilize more energy than some 4,000 foot homes. Folks - Insulated Concrete Foam is known to cut utility bill by over 40, 50 percent in some cases but Dingle isn't looking at anything like that!!

That's because he's an idiot - and that's because Global Warming has nothing to do with his agenda here. What he's really after is YOUR money because the Democratic power machine runs on YOUR taxes and cheerfully raising them at the drop of a hat.

John Dingle is an idiot.

But the comforting thing is - even if his legislation passes - it won't pass with a veto-proof majority and DUBYA will slam dunk this one into the VETO BUCKET.

However - were Hillary the President - I'd bet she'd sign it.

Proof that the next election will not just be about the war in Iraq. Electing Democrats to political office has consequences - chilling ones - all over your way of life.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My New Hero ...

Mike Gundy, Oklahoma State Football Coach.

Clearly, this guy HATES "journalists" almost as much as I do!

The object of his spit and vinegar? Well it's Oklahoman journalist Jenni Carlson - who disrespected one of the young Oklahoma players by speculating that his "attitude" was what lost him the starting spot at quarterback for the Oklahoma Cowboys.

Now ... typical elitist journalism here folks - and it's classic.

Jenni's never played football actually. She doesn't know what it "takes" to stand up to a full-on defensive rush. She doesn't know what the hell it feels like to be hit so hard by a linebacker that you get the wind knocked out of you, see stars, and can't feel your feet for thirty minutes.

She doesn't know any of that shit.

But ... by damn - she's armed with a degree in journalism - or at least she plays one on TV and that is better than staying in a Holiday Inn Express!!

Now, here's Jenni's response to Mike Gundy ... notice that the woman who likes to make personal attacks on young kids (all based on rumor and inuendo) should probably look in the mirror and step up on the treadmill - cuz she's carrying some extra weight there. Yes that's a personal attack I just made - but I stand by my sources - the woman is clearly a fat ass. According to journalist's ethics these days - I'm covered and on solid ground here folks. Not my responsibility how she takes that personally - I'm just reporting the facts right?

It's interesting though, she keeps saying that she's asked Mike what was false about her article and she says he won't tell her. That's bullshit - look at Mike's rant and he tells her right to her face several things that are false about her article - it's all on the video! But she ignores that - thinking that if SHE or another journalist doesn't tell us sheeple out here about it - we won't notice! LOL!

Investigation of the Times? There Should Be ...

On September 14, 2007, the American Conservative Union (ACU) filed a complaint with the FEC against Political Action and the New York Times Company for violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended and the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. The New York Times Company's “discount” is in effect a corporate soft money contribution to a federal political committee. MoveOn's acceptance of this corporate soft money contribution exceeds federal contributions and is a clear violation of FEC laws.

Story here ...

How True! Take it from someone who lives in Louisiana and knows what corruption looks like ...

What the New York Times did here is CLASSIC political corruption - and they are busted cold here! I'm willing to bet this is only a small waft of smoke with a much larger raging fire underneath it. The NYT did this with such impunity - it couldn't be their first violation of federal laws.


If there's nothing there - then there is nothing to hide right? They shouldn't have any problems with a full federal investigation that investigates ALL of their political ad activities!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Enlightenment at Universities? Don't Think So.

Well, the visit to Columbia University today by Iran's Psychopathic Fool went off pretty much as expected - with Ahmadinejad's credibility going up - and Columbia University's going DOWN. See that is what happens when you mud wrestle with idiots - they look smarter - and you look stupider.

And - I really didn't hear anyone "boo" the guy. Some laughed - as they should have - when the Fool said that there "are no Homosexuals in Iran" - but I heard no real "boos".

Did hear some pretty rousing applause for the Fool though - when he said ...

"In Iran, we wait for the speech before we condemn the speaker ..."

Not only is that an outright lie - but who the hell were those people applauding him? My conclusion is that it must have been the usual crowd of "un-American" Marxists - you know - the ones that eat from our table and we take care of them while they shit on us and the freedoms we provide them?

Which brings up a question here ...

Why in the hell is Communism even taught in colleges anymore?

I mean, we aren't allowed to teach "Creationism" or "Intelligent Design" in the public schools anymore, and why? Because those are supposedly disproven theories - junk science - fantasies.

I won't get into that - but that is why we're told they can't be taught in public schools.

Using the same standard then - Communism should only be taught as a failed historical aside. It shouldn't be taught in political science classes because it's been tried - in numerous places all over the world and it's failed everywhere it's been tried.

It's failed EVERYWHERE it's been tried. That's a completely inarguable point - Communism has proven a complete failure - everywhere.

So why is this FAILED POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY still given credibility in colleges and universities? Seems to me - if we started teaching the TRUTH about Communisim - that it's a failure and has been a disaster everywhere it's been tried ...

Wouldn't we have a lot fewer of these freeloading Marxist Un-American hate mongers running around applauding Iranian Fools like Ahmadinejad?

Food for thought there.

Seems to me that our colleges and universities ARE NOT as enlightened as the elitist shit-heads that run them think they are. They should have term limits on the folks who run these colleges - and they should only hire directors and administrators who have PROVEN they can PRODUCE SOMETHING in the private sector. Truth is - most college professors and administrators have never held down a real job out here in the REAL world.

I'd like to run Lee Bolinger, the "so-called" President of Columbia University through a quick Marine Corps Boot Camp then ship him off to Iraq and put him in a platoon of tough Marines in a tough neighborhood in Baghdad.

If he wants to be "enlightened" ...

If he wants to "learn" about the world and what's going on in Iraq ...

Wouldn't that be a better experience than inviting the Fool of Iran to speak to his Marxist students?

But Lee Bolinger isn't concerned about "learning" - he's only concerned with showing his ass - like he did today with that Fool from Iran.

That's sad.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Alicia Silverstone and PETA

I'm sold.

People can bash this ad all they want. PETA just shot up a notch in my opinion. Sure, they've been caught executing animals and sure, they have some whacky ideas about animals being on a par with humans and all. They're crazy but this ad with Alicia isn't.

And because if it - I'm going to abstain from eating meat for a day just because I know it will turn Alicia on!

Sorry - I've said this before - I would like to condemn this but I am a guy! Forgive me!

"We Were WRONG! Again!"

Clark Hoyt, the Public Editor of the New York Times says the paper was wrong in publishing the "General Betrayus" ad that was bought and paid for at a cut rate by

Doesn't go far enough - but at least he admits that the ad violated the NYT's standards for personal attacks and also admits that they sold the ad to at the wrong price due to a "mistake"...

A $77,508.00 mistake? Come on! Has the sales rep who "made" this mistake been fired? Because if I made a mistake that cost my employer $77.5K - I'd be on the streets quick. If you have a REAL job - so would you.

Let's face it - no one is getting fired here because no one wants to give anyone an incentive to TALK about what really happened. The NYT is a liberal bastion that tries to pawn itself as an honest broker and truth seeker - when it's really in the pocket of George Soros.

This proves it.

Go ahead - Fire someone - I double dog dare you.

Won't happen folks.

My favorite quote from the article is this ...

"... And it gave fresh ammunition to a cottage industry that loves to bash The Times as a bastion of the “liberal media.”

Uhhh, rather than try to insult all of us out here who REALLY seek the truth by calling us a "cottage industry" - I'd like to see a denial here that the New York Times **IS** a "bastion of the liberal media".

Quite frankly - it is and that is undeniable. So don't insult those of us who are RIGHT about this fact by calling us "cottage".

Square your shit away New York Times! You take a side in politics - which you HAVE - you're going to get BASHED. You aren't reporters - you aren't journalists - you aren't impartial.

You are paid spinmeisters of This is the proof!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tyranny of the Minority ...

Next week, Liberal traitors will demonstrate to us, once again, just how much America has become a "tyranny of the minority". Next week, they'll shit on America - they'll put it right in our faces on the national news - they'll laugh - they'll demonstrate once again that freedom of speech is dead in this country except for those on the left - and they'll dare us to do a damn thing about it.

I'm talking about Lee Bolinger's invitation to Mahmund Ahmadinejad, the terrorist dictator of Iran, to come and speak at Columbia University.

Let's be brief here folks.

Ann Coulter gets PIES thrown at her when she speaks at colleges that have "invited" her to speak.

At Columbia University - when the Minutemen spoke there - they were heckled and threatened and Lee Bolinger didn't do a damn thing to stop it or discourage it. He took no action against the students who participated in it.

Now, for a second - let's assume that folks like Ann Coulter and the Minutemen are every bit as dangerous as the liberal loons tell us they are. If that is true - their only "crime" is a crime of "ideas". Neither Coulter or the Minutemen have ever killed anyone. They've never taken a hostage or executed one. They've never said that Israel should be wiped off the map. They've never held a "Holocaust Denial" seminar and they've never held cartoon contests for the best cartoon that ridicules the Holocaust.

Mahmund Ahmadinejad has. He has blood on his hands - directly. He's one of the terrorists that took our embassy hostage in 1979 and referred to the Americans hostages as "dogs".

This man is guilty ... of way more than Ann Coulter or the Minutemen ever could be. This man is guilty of terrorism.

And he'll receive a HUGE round of applause at Columbia University next week folks. He won't be threatened off the stage - like the Minutemen. He won't have a pie thrown at him like Ann Coulter. And if anyone tries anything like that - they'll be TAZERED immediately because Lee Bolinger doesn't put up with Conservative loons on his campus - only Liberal ones.



DISGUSTING. If I ever meet Lee Bolinger in person I will spit in his face - that's exactly what he's doing to our troops who are so bravely offering their lives so that folks like him can continue to yank their pants to their ankles and shit on the American Flag and all it stands for.

Don't even try any crappy arguments about freedom of speech meaning freedom for those views you don't agree with. I agree with that statement and it doesn't apply here. Columbia has a STRONG TRACK RECORD OF SUPPRESSING CONSERVATIVE SPEECH. But they aren't going to suppress this Islamofascist - nosiree!

Disgusting. And shame on anyone who agrees with this kind of conduct.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Look at US! We're still relevant!!

Okay folks ... this week we have both Sally Field and Barry Manilow showing their asses, and their complete ignorance of world affairs, in public.

What is all this "Attention Whore" stuff from the "Has Beens" about?

Well, it's all about slowly dieing celebrity and how to hang on to it. First, look at both Sally and Barry - both have had cosmetic surgery (Barry appears to have had more than Sally). These are two individuals who had their heyday in the 70's (zoning in on thirty years ago). Now, both of them sit on the verge of their final meltdown in looks - a point of age where cosmetic surgery doesn't help anymore - and only turns the individual into a caricature of their former self. It's at that point - that celebrity slowly slips away and the individual is left with whatever is left - minus the celebrity ... and for many of these types that isn't much. They really aren't anything without the celebrity and they know this. They dread the day they lose it. They try to hang onto it forever ... addicted to the "drug" of celebrity.

How can an aging actor or entertainer maintain relevance when they left their prime over 25 years ago?

Jump on the liberal whacko bandwagon and prove to your contemporaries that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES. There's still some run left in your horse!!

That's what it's all about folks. When you have nothing left to be famous for other than what you did 25 years ago - you start grasping at straws and that is what Barry Manilow and Sally Field did this week. Plain and simple.

Monday, September 17, 2007

L. O. L.

Are all graduates and students of liberal colleges as stupid as ... this?

Seriously, I had to laugh my ass off. This person really thinks they are smart? It's one thing to thumb your nose at others when you have superior intelligence - quite another when you DO NOT.

"ZOMG! Thank goodness I chose Columbia over the Naval Academy - my poor brother isn't quite as smart as me and my liberal friends though!"

This lady is a big pussy - not at all cut from the stock of an American Pioneer woman. I really feel sorry for the man that ends up with her!

She should be thrown into Marine Corps Boot camp just for writing this silly diatribe!

Point of the Day ... Blood for Oil?

How many times have we seen the bumper sticker ... "No Blood For Oil" ???

It's a very catchy slogan ... almost makes you want to agree with it without even questioning. However, those with any degree of common sense will look at that and say ... "That's Wrong! Hell yeah - we'll always put up blood for oil when necessary!

Free flowing oil at market prices is the engine of ALL, repeat ALL Western economies. Nay! It is the life blood of ALL economies period - except maybe Afghanistan - where Opium is probably the economic blood. But for any technologically advanced civilization - it all comes down to oil.

Hate it, curse it, cry about it, get flaming mad - it's still true, it's still reality. Without that oil - our economy comes to a complete and abrupt halt. Only an idiot argues otherwise.

Now, no matter what the whackos say - President Bush, nor VP Dick are trying to steal anyone's oil - they just want to make sure that the oil is not used as a weapon against the west. That means keeping the oil out of the hands of bad guys and keeping oil prices subject to the supply and demands of a free market. Anything else - is unacceptable. Anything else - and you'd better believe that war becomes an option quick.

You can either fight to keep the oil - or let your kids fight to get it back. It's that simple.

Alan Greenspan knows this is true - that's the reason he felt, and still feels, that getting rid of Saddam was ESSENTIAL.

Quote from Greenspan ...

"I'm saying taking Saddam out was essential."

Greenspan goes on to point out that protecting the free flow of oil at market prices is something that we have to do until we find an alternate source of energy ... "which ultimately we will."

When did oil become some really, really bad and poisonous substance?

Oil is good!

Oil gets you to work in the morning - and more importantly, it gets you BACK. It fuels Al Gore's jet airplanes. Oil is what gets your new DVD "An Inconvenient Truth" delivered to your doorstep from Oil is what is powering those tractors in the mid-west that are harvesting that corn to make "ethanol" with. It's oil that transports that wounded baby seal found on Ocean Beach to the San Diego Seaworld where it can be nurtured back to health. Oil is what transports "medical marijuana" from the fields in Humbolt County, CA to the hack shops in downtown San Francisco.

What made O.J.'s infamous run from the police in the White Bronco possible?

That's right! OIL.

Right now, Right now ... THOUSANDS OF IPhones are being transported into this country - courtesy of oil,

Right now, some guy who just had a heart attack is being transported to a hospital - where he will end up living ...

THANKS OIL!! And that guy should thank a Republican - because if Dems had their way - he would have had to rely on a rickshaw to get to the emergency room!!

Oil is cool stuff - it's cooler than a cowbell on a Blue Oyster Cult song.

And that is the attitude everyone should have about OIL. Because - it really is that important to us - all joking aside.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Great Website ...

Here's a good website that I've been watching for years for information on Iran and ideas about how to solve the "Iran Problem".

It's Reza Pahlavi's website. Pahlavi is the son of the late Shah of Iran and he and I are about the same age - I believe he's actually about two years older than I am. But I remember when I was 17, when the Shah and his family were forced to leave Iran. And I remember a young Reza Pahlavi - who I identified with because he was near my age.

Anyway - Pahlavi seems to have stayed very active as an Iranian dissident and exile who's worked hard to get his countrymen to awaken to the fact that they're being led by bunch of idiots now. Hehe, that's not how Reza would put it but, in essence, that's what he's doing!

Anyway - I don't always agree with him but I always check his site for his views. Most of you may know ... like Reza, I have been a proponent of NOT attacking Iran. My personal view has always been that we should diplomatically isolate them - while at the same time speeding up development of our theater ballistic missile defense. Then, if Iran ever launches a nuke - we just shoot it down and turn that whole damn nation into glass with our own nukes. In the past I've called this policy "YAD" ... "Your Assured Destruction". Basically, it's a "go ahead, make my day punk policy that I think will keep Iran reigned in.

However, something is now happening that I didn't plan on - Iran is now killing American soldiers in Iraq and many are calling for us to take military action against Iran. I'm still thinking on this one - but I'm not too far from agreeing with them.

Here's Your Sign ...

My son came home for the weekend from his college but, his car is in the shop now and I had to give him a ride back to school. On the way back, I turned on Fox News on the XM channel and listened a bit to John Gibson. John is okay - not one of my favorites because he's a bit over the top and mellow dramatic. But his views are mostly spot on.

Anyway - he was encouraging anti-war folks to call in and state why they were against the war. Many did - and the serious depth of ignorance was quite alarming. As Americans - we need to work on deep thought and analysis of issues and get away from the emotions that surround them.

Basically though - the major jist of the anti-war crowd that called up said we should leave because we never should have gone in to begin with. Well, heh - what was right and what was wrong about our entrance into Iraq is irrelevant at this point - that's all ancient history. We are faced with two choices now ...

1. Staying the course and winning this war - which experts say WE CAN DO. Or we can ...

2. Leave Iraq and turn the whole mess over to Iran.

That's the two choices and #2 doesn't look like a very positive one for our national interests. In fact - it doesn't look like a very positive choice for my kid's or grandkid's sake either - who will eventually have to deal with an Islamofascist Persian state that controls the bulk of oil production in the middle east.

Just astounding to me that college graduates are unable to think of the geopolitical situation in an "organic" fashion. You can't hand Iraq over to Iran and expect that cheery old Iran is going to continue to sell us cheap oil. Silly rabbit.

Additionally, I was stunned by another assumption these anti-war "oblivions" held. They all believed we should fight Al Quaida in Afghanistan - but we should leave Iraq and not fight them there.

Now, when pressed on the causes of 9-11, these guys all (predictably) blamed American foreign policy for 9-11 and all of them said that if we just got out of Iraq and the middle east - then Osama would probably leave us alone.

Two problems there - uhhh - wouldn't Osama still be pissed at us for our war in Afghanistan? A war that you support and want to continue?

Damn - how can any adult display such childish logic?

Second problem here is the fact that Osama isn't going to let up on us no matter what we do. How many scholars have to come out and state that what Osama wants is world-wide Islamic caliphate. In his "Letter to Americans" ... Osama's FIRST DEMAND was for Americans to convert to Islam. Other demands? Give up your capitalist ways. Give up your perverted ways. Give up your government and put the Koran in it's place.

Why haven't any of these idiots read this stuff? Why don't they believe it when it comes right from the horse's mouth?

To those oblivious liberal callers - especially the one who called in and said we should leave the middle east - even though he personally drove an eight cylinder truck (he was willing to pay up to $12 or $13 dollars for a gallon of gas. Yes - dumbass alarm here!) ...

Here's your sign.

In Defense of James Brolin ...

James Brolin, "Mr. Barbara Streisand's" latest guffaw involves him wishing New Yorkers a "Happy 9-11!".

People are really, really, really, really pissed off about this. Especially when he was immediately chastised by the radio jocks who were interviewing him when they told him ... "We don't say 'Happy 9-11 around here'."

James shot back ... "Celebrate the day right?"

Celebrate the day? WTF Dude? Yes James - we all hold tailgaters and shoot off fireworks in celebration of the deaths of 3,000 of our fellow Americans. What fuckin' planet are you from dude?

Now, I would like to defend Mr. Babs here because many people think he meant this remark to be hurtful to the people of New York. That's not the case - James wasn't trying to be mean - he wasn't trying to be hurtful to anyone.

James was just giving you a glimpse of his stupidity and the extreme "la la land" world of isolation that he lives in.

Folks, people like James Brolin and Barbara Streisand don't live in a normal world. They aren't normal people and haven't been since they became famous - which was at a very early age. They're like big kids - seriously. They are completely oblivious - completely clueless to what the world is really like. Their path to adulthood was arrested long ago when they became celebrities and they are frozen in a "never-never land" where truth and reality is whatever you can dream up - or conjure up in a drug-induced stupor.

Why would ANYONE ever place one bit of stock in ANYTHING that these idiots say? They aren't real people. At least President Bush has attended a good ole' fashioned tailgate before a football game. At least he knows how to grill a good angus steak on an old fashioned charcoal barbeque grill. At least he's been to Iraq. At least he's visited the wounded coming back from that war. At least he's received the thanks and condemnation of military families.

He's walked the path.

But these idiots never have.


A plumber knows more about politics than these guys.

A New York City cab driver knows more about the real world and politics than these guys.

A soldier in Iraq knows better what's going on there than these guys so why don't folks LISTEN to the 80-plus percent of them that are screaming to us to "STAY THE COURSE!!"

Folks - let entertainers entertain.

Listen to your HEROS for what to do in Iraq.

That's my defense of James Brolin ... he's not evil ...

He's an idiot.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Survey Says ...

Survey says I agree with him on 77% of the issues. I'm disappointed and thought it would be higher!

Take the survey and see what you come up with!

Big 'Fraidy Cats ...

Deborah Howell over at the Washington Post speculates as to why certain comic strips (which may have been offensive to Muslims) were banned for publication in the print edition of the Washington Post.

Example here ...

I'm going to help out Deborah here a bit and explain exactly why journalists and editors routinely post offensive material about Christians - but refuse to post anything that could even be construed as marginally offensive toward Muslims.

They're Cowards - big ole' fraidy cats. Paper tigers they are - everyone in the news industry that has any power at all.

Did I say they were Cowards? I want to make it blatantly clear ... that's exactly what they are.

They don't want to wind up like Salmon Rushdie - constantly on the run from Islamofacists or like Daniel Pearl - beheaded by them.

This is exactly what makes journalists and their editors nothing more than big cowardly schoolyard bullies.

Oh ... they'll run a host of cartoons and editorials that just lambaste the hell out of Christians - and when they can escape the Anti-Semitic tag - they'll defecate on the Jewish religion also.

They'll call Bush a liar - paint him as some kind of dictator who's stealing our civil rights from us.

They'll blast Christian and Jewish leaders.

And they'll sit there and puff their chests out proudly - and tell you they are cut from the same mold as Thomas Paine - and our other founding fathers who supposedly cherished freedom of speech above all else.

They'll do that because ...


But they've seen all too well what happens to those who insult the Islamofascists ...

They end up dead. Because the radical Mohammedans don't believe in civil rights - or any right to even EXIST once you've offended them.

That's why.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Facts about Nuclear Energy ...

I'm a big proponent of nuclear energy. Not because it dramatically reduces greenhouse gas emissions - although it does that in spades - but because it's an efficient form of energy that can reduce pollution (healthier air for you and I to breathe) and it would also reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Nuclear energy isn't a "pipe dream" like fuel cell autos, windmill farms, and solar energy are. Basically any kind of alternative energy source endorsed by the left-wing wackos in this country is either inefficient - or the technology for it just doesn't exist. That's not so with nuclear power - the technology exists today and nuclear power is one of the most efficient forms of energy production that has ever existed. It's also virtually pollution free.

Here's some facts on nuke energy ...

Top 10 Facts About Nuclear Energy

1. There are 104 commercial nuclear power plants producing 20 percent of the electricity in the United States. They are located at 64 sites in 31 states.

2. More than 400 nuclear power plants worldwide produce 16 percent of the world’s electricity—while reducing CO2 emissions by more than 2 billion metric tons per year.

3. Nuclear energy supplies electricity each year to serve 60 million homes.

4. Nuclear energy has one of the lowest environmental impacts of any electricity source. For example, a wind farm would need 235 square miles to produce the same amount of electricity as a 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant.

5. Nuclear energy is by far the nation’s largest source of electricity that does not emit any controlled air pollutants, providing 73 percent of the electricity from all carbon-free sources, including hydroelectric, wind and solar.

6. Nuclear power plants provide low-cost, predictable power at stable prices and are essential in maintaining the reliability of the U.S. electric power system.

7. Nuclear power plants are able to produce abundant and low cost energy source because they use an enriched form of uranium for fuel. One uranium fuel pellet – the size of the tip of your little finger – is equivalent to 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas, 1,780 pounds of coal, or 149 gallons of oil.

8. The economic activity of a U.S. nuclear plant generates on average around $40 million in state and local tax revenues.

9. You would have to live near a nuclear power plant for over 2,000 years to get the same amount of radiation exposure that you get from a single diagnostic medical x-ray.

10. There are nearly 100 different nuclear medicine imaging procedures available today. An estimated 10 to 12 million nuclear medicine imaging and therapeutic procedures are performed each year in the United States.

Another fact I stumbled upon - check out this energy breakout for the state of Hawaii - it appears the "greener" the state - the more bent on generating green house gas it is. Not a slice of nuke energy in Hawaii - not one - but check out all that black oil they burn!

Now contrast that with VERMONT!! 72.5% of Vermont's energy needs are satiated with nuclear energy - and another 19.5% is supplied by Hydro - another GREEN source of energy. That means that almost all of Vermont's energy production is greenhouse gas free.

Who knew that?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dems LOSE BIG on Iraq War.

This week, the "bumpkin" George Bush outplayed the Democrats - thereby securing a victory for his Iraq strategy until at least the end of his presidency!

That's good news!

For a post-game analysis on why the Democrats are S.O.L. now - I submit the following on the key factors that sealed their sorry fate ...

First was MOVEON.ORG. For Conservatives, MOVEON.ORG are the gift that just keeps giving. You can always count on MOVEON to come out of the woodwork with some outrageous "over the top" lunatic publicity stunt EVERY TIME THE CHIPS ARE DOWN! And thank goodness for that. Their ad in the New York Times denouncing General Petraeus as "General Betrayus" was a godsend. It demonstrated just how evil and hurtful the Democratic political machines can be. Middle America and true centrists don't go for cheap shots against honorable soldiers like Petraeus.

Second factor was the Democrats themselves - when the "big wigs" like Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama FAILED to denounce the ad - thereby vividly illustrating to all who is really in charge of the Democratic party.

Third is, again - the Democrats - who ridiculed Patraeus during his Congressional Testimony and tore a page right out of Joe McCarthy's book on how to treat a witness. Good Go Dems!

Forth is, again - the Democrats - who paraded ass-wipes like Barbara Boxer out and tried to pass them off as some kind of great "war strategists". For months, the Dems have been trying to tell the President to listen to his generals - then we he sends one to the hill - they tell him he's full of bunk. Good Go Democrats! Did you really think that ANY of us out here were going to buy Barbara Boxer's strategic assessment of the Iraq situation over the Generals?

As an aside here - there are still MANY of us out here who remember that Barbara Boxer had a significant role in the Congressional Check Book scandal over a decade ago when she was just a mere Congresswoman. How in the hell do Dem's expect us to believe she can make an adequate assessment of the situation in Iraq when it's been proven that she can't balance a checkbook!


Fifth factor is, again - the Democrats - who's condescending attitudes and "we know best" attitude really pissed everyone of us off out here in Mayberry.

Sixth Factor is - surprise! George W. Bush! Who delivered the knockout to the Dems with his speech by proposing "a middle ground" for compromise by promising to pull some troops out of Iraq soon - as long as the situation on the ground there prevails.

Seventh factor is, again - the Democrats - who spit all over Bush's compromise and illustrated very clearly to all of us out here who the real radicals are that aren't willing to compromise!

Thanks Dems!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Are You Serious About Global Warming?

For the record - I don't believe in man-induced global warming - the science I've seen behind it is pure junk. Don't get me wrong - I believe the Earth is warming - as it has occasionally done throughout the millions of years of it's existence - but man's role in the current warming causations is insignificant. That's my opinion.

But for many - human induced global warming is a FACT that can't be disputed. They argue that we should sacrifice TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars and lost productivity to stop green house gas emissions. They argue that we should be in compliance with Kyoto - A.S.A.P. in order to avoid a global calamity that will destroy our environment and most, if not all, of mankind with it.

So to these folks - I have found the answer.

An answer that will put us in compliance with Kyoto.

An answer that will not only reduce green house gases - but will completely eliminate them when it comes to generating electric power to heat and cool our homes and power our offices and factories.

An answer that will do all this - and will not cause us to have to reduce our productivity - or make sacrifices. In fact - you can use all the energy you want - you can WASTE - YES WASTE - electricity in your home and, aside from costing you a bit more - it won't damage the environment not even a little bit.

And that's because my energy solution is MANY TIMES MORE EFFICIENT than Solar Energy or Wind Energy. Yet it's every bit as clean and friendly to our environment!

It's called ....


It's back folks! And if you're SERIOUS ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING - you need to get behind it asap. There's no "research and development" that has to be done for nuclear power - the technology exists NOW. We don't have to make it any more efficient - it's one of the most efficient forms of power available today - if not THE most efficient compared to other forms of energy including oil and coal.


According to Steve Forbes - if we'd built all the nuclear power plants that we had on the books in the 1970's - we'd be in compliance with Kyoto TODAY.

So for all you Global Warming Alarmists - the ones that want us to use one sheet of toilet paper to clean up after doing our business in the bathroom. The ones that want us to drink our urine so we can save on energy that's currently going to waste processing plants ....

Here's your answer.

If you REALLY believe that mankind is headed toward a climate disaster - here is your answer.

Start pushing it - or shut the fuck up!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Impotent ...

I have to laugh at this ...

So the White House sends out Frances Townsend, the Assistant Secretary for Homeland Defense, to talk about the new Osama Bin Laden tape.

Townsend, a woman - says the following about Bin Laden on Fox News Sunday ...

"This is about the best he can do," Townsend said. "This is a man on a run, from a cave, who's virtually impotent other than these tapes."

Now, this might seem like an impromptu remark but I'm betting it's not. This is a dig at Bin Laden that they know will sting his pride hard. Here's a woman - an attractive one at that - saying that Bin Laden is "impotent". Now there are a lot of other words she could have used - but she passed those by.

And Bin Laden - being the Alpha Male of the Islamofascists - will literally flip out when he hears that.

Good go to Ms. Townsend - keep digging on that scumbag!

Conan The Centrist ...

It's hard to hate Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Even though there are certainly days that one would want to!

So, before I start beating on him for showing his "girlie-man" side again - let me just say that I have a lot of respect for him. He is, after all, a Republican Governor of the People's Republic of California. He's surrounded by wackos - famous celebs who think they know something about government and the constitution (but don't); "open-border" lunatics and immigration amnesty loons; gay marriage militants; the "marijuana as legal and legitimate medicine" weirdo's; the "tobacco industry is the root of all evil" strangos ...

the PETA crowd, the environmental terrorists ...

He's got them ALL - he's got his hands FULL.

So I can understand what he's doing when he leans a bit to the left. Still - that doesn't mean he shouldn't be challenged on things he says that are wrong - and that he probably KNOWS are wrong.

I'm talking about Arnold's latest statement that ...

"Our party has lost the middle and we will not regain true political power in California until we get it back,"

Well - I think it is safe to define the "California Middle" as something over on the left end of the political spectrum. So I believe that this statement from Arnold has more to do with California than it does with the nation.

His statement can't be applied on a nationwide basis because it is simply untrue. And it if it is - if the Republicans have truly "lost" the middle - then it is more of a communication problem than a real problem. And the problem is mostly brought on by the Main Stream Liberal Media - which constantly repeats the lie that Republicans are a bunch of "right wing loons".

Yet - an honest analysis reveals that Republicans are anything but ...

Example ...

You can learn a lot from the Presidential Primary debates so let's contrast what we see on those stages from the Republicans and Democrats.

Let's look at the Dem's ...

Is there a single "Pro-Life" Democratic candidate running for President? I don't think so. If there were - he or she would probably be shot. In fact, I can't off-hand think of a single major Democratic political figure that is Pro-Life. They are all pro-abortion - and that is not a "centrist" position.

Is there a single "Pro-War" Democratic candidate running for President? Absolutely not - Joe Liberman was hunted down and thrown off the democratic party train by the Dem big-wigs. No politician can be "pro-war" and be in the Democratic party and be outspoken about it - and Joe is the proof there. This is not a characteristic of a "centrist" party.

What would every single Democrat do if they inherited the Iraq war? Well, according to all of them - they would begin pulling troops out immediately - they would begin surrendering. There's no evidence of a centrist view here and, every time Hillary even hints at doing something else in Iraq the Daily KOS beats the hell out of her and gets her back in line - on the left.

I could go on here and all of you know it. The Democratic Party is a pasteurized leftist party - nothing centrist about them. They do have a few Blue Dog Democrats who support things like LIFE and killing terrorists - but they are quiet because they know the Democratic leaders would beat the living shit out of them if they spoke up with an alternate view other than the one Chairman Pelosi has (Communist pun intentionally made there).

Now contrast that with what you have on the Republican side ...

Republicans have PRO-LIFE and PRO-Abortion candidates. Republicans have PRO-WAR and Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys running for President and other offices. Republicans are anything but homogeneous in their political views.

Therefore - the true CENTRIST party - are the Republicans. Republicans have major players on all sides of the immigration debate. All sides of Roe Vs Wade. All sides of the Iraq war. Some Republicans are for the death penalty - others aren't. They are the most diverse party in terms of ideas that we have currently.

The Democrats resemble the Chinese Communist Party of Mao's time. They are only allowed to speak "Mao's doctrine" (i.e. Nancy Pelosi / Harry Reid's doctrine). They are punished when they don't - see again Joe Lieberman.

So - to the Main Stream Press - please don't apply Arnold's comments, which were made about California - to the entire nation. His comments don't fit in a national comparison at all. They only fit in an extremely radically liberal area of the country - which is what California is.

And yes - I've lived in California before. I lived in San Diego for about nine years - so I have a bit of personal experience with the state also.


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Virginia ACLU President Pleads Guilty to Child Porn

A former president of the Virginia ACLU, Charles Rust-Tierney, has plead guilty to downloading child porn ...

Additionally, information is now coming forward that, this wasn't your "run of the mill" child porn - this was die-hard child porn of the strongest variety ...

"Judge Ellis said today that the pornography downloaded by Rust-Tierney included torture and sexual assaults on children as young as 6."

Pathetic ... but he's not going to get his due from the Liberal Main-Stream Press - who will only "matter of factly" report on this - if at all.

It's no secret what kinds of people belong to the ACLU. While the ACLU is fighting to get a picture of Jesus off the wall of the Slidell, Louisiana Courthouse - one of their top dogs is being sentenced for child pornography of the worst nature. Who do you want to cast your lot with?

Of course the ACLU is angry about pictures of Jesus. Of course they don't want to see religious images on public OR PRIVATE property. Jesus and religion remind them of what kind of perverts they actually are - so it's only natural they'd seek to ban those images.

Shoe fits here. The ALCU can OWN IT.

The ALCU has defended some of the most despicable pedophile groups on the North American continent. Meanwhile - you'll find them sitting across the table - in opposition to - many of the most well respected religious folks in this country. You'll find them sticking up for the rights of child molesters - while at the same time they terrorize righteous people who believe in a GOD.

So yes - the shoe fits. And while the Main Stream Press will take the "footsie games" of Larry Craig in a public bathroom and paint all Republicans as hypocrites - they won't say a damn word about the ACLU when one of their leaders has been CONVICTED of downloading the worst kind of images of child torture and rape imaginable. This is not melodrama folks - this is cold hard fact.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Big Ole Fat Liars

Before U.S. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus has even testified before Congress ... before anyone's even seen his report on Iraq - the Democrats are already on a crusade to impeach what he'll say. They don't know for sure what he's going to say about Iraq - but they assess the possibility is high that he will say something positive about U.S. military efforts there. Heck, he may even say that we're winning.

The Democrats can't let that happen. This war has to go down as a loss for the United States. Our soldiers who have sacrificed so much to fight it - must have fought this war in vain because this war was started by a Republican President. Democrats find it unacceptable to have any kind of victory with a Republican in the Oval Office. And if it means that the U.S. has to LOSE a war - if it means that thousands of our soldiers must die in vain - if it means that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis die when we surrender and retreat ....

So be it!

We've been in Bosnia for what now? Fifteen years? Has any Democrat even mentioned a benchmark or how our military effort there is progressing? Answer - No ... because it was Bill Clinton who put those troops there - not a Republican. Who cares that the Serbians where choirboys compared to Sadaam Hussien - those Serbs had to go down by golly!

According to Sen. Charles Schumer - the violence in Iraq has gone down in spite of the U.S. troop surge - not because of it. According to "General" Charles Schumer - U.S. troops have proven incapable of stopping the violence.


Oh, and speaking of Schumer - here's a quote from him from September 20, 2005 ...

"This gouging is deep, and widespread. The oil companies are taking advantage of this crisis, which is disgraceful in itself. It is not supply and demand. We know that."

Schumer went on to call for an investigation of oil company price gouging.

Well, that investigation has concluded - and the Federal Trade Commission has concluded that the Oil Companies DID NOT gouge prices - the high price of gas was due to FREE MARKET FORCES.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Fox News Republican Debate

The Republican debate being sponsored by Fox News, which is actually airing as I write this - will probably turn out to be the first major exposure of the Republican candidates to Americans. The reason for this is because Fox News is still the number one news network on cable - though it has been slipping in recent months.

My early take on this debate is that there are far too many candidates appearing on the stage to conduct a proper debate. What we're getting tonight is basically an "airing of the issues" and some orchestrated "personality conflicts" being pushed by the Fox News debate moderators. In short - the moderators are more the story here than the candidates - who are simply being led by the nose.

By the way ... Ron Paul ... why the hell is he in the Republican Party? He's a surrender monkey. Huckabee also gets an "F" in my book for his statement "We broke things in Iraq".

Iraq is a noble cause. Bill Clinton, Bob Kerry, Hillary Clinton ... they all stated that Sadaam was a terroristic threat to his neighbors and the world at large. They all stated that he had weapons of mass destruction. Bob and Hillary voted to go and smack him. Anyone who says "We broke things in Iraq" is pandering to opinion polls and doesn't remember history. Doesn't remember when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Doesn't remember when the U.N. placed sanctions and demands on Iraq. Doesn't remember that Iraq agreed to comply with U.N. demands and doesn't remember that, for over 10 years - Iraq lied and refused to comply with the demands.

If there is a mess in Iraq - Sadaam caused it with his greed and evilness. It's going to take us quite awhile to sort out the mess that's left - but that doesn't mean that WE caused it - doesn't mean WE broke it. Get real Huckabee!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Bob Beckel's Theorem ...

Democratic strategist Bob Beckel, speaking in response to the Larry Craig affair, has stated over and over again ...

"You live by family values ... you die by 'em!"

I'm surprised that Bob is so brazen to announce this. Because what he's saying is that Republicans should be like Democrats - and have NO values. If you have no values - then you can't possibly "die" by them.

The shoe fits here. Democrats pander to the most perverse elements of our society. Not one single Democrat has condemned Sen. Larry Craig's behavior in the bathroom - not a single Democrat will condemn Gay men who seek anonymous sexual contact in public bathrooms. They won't say it's disgusting - they won't say it's wrong. This is because, truthfully - they want the Gay Bathroom Sex vote - they want those guys voting Democrat. They want all perverts to vote democratic.

Laugh - it's true. There's a long list of Democrats who have done perverted things and they've not only been retained in the Democratic party - but they've been rewarded and promoted. Ted Kennedy comes to mind - a giant in the Democratic party yet what he did makes Larry Craig's affair look like a college frat prank.

Other's here ...

We should all become Democrats now. Since we're all human - we are incapable of living by any code of values. Therefore - we shouldn't even try because trying means failing and failing means we become hypocrites.


What kind of logic is that and what would this world and this nation be like if our ancestors had adopted this kind of philosophy? Mankind NEEDS VALUES ... MORAL VALUES. Not because we'll never fall short of them - we need them PRECISELY because we will occasionally fall short of them. We need them to measure our character by. We need them to remind us to do the right thing. We need them so that WE KNOW when we're screwing things up and when we need to get our acts together!

But Democrats don't need them?

I believe Bob Beckel just fell onto the stupid wagon.