Sunday, September 16, 2007

In Defense of James Brolin ...

James Brolin, "Mr. Barbara Streisand's" latest guffaw involves him wishing New Yorkers a "Happy 9-11!".

People are really, really, really, really pissed off about this. Especially when he was immediately chastised by the radio jocks who were interviewing him when they told him ... "We don't say 'Happy 9-11 around here'."

James shot back ... "Celebrate the day right?"

Celebrate the day? WTF Dude? Yes James - we all hold tailgaters and shoot off fireworks in celebration of the deaths of 3,000 of our fellow Americans. What fuckin' planet are you from dude?

Now, I would like to defend Mr. Babs here because many people think he meant this remark to be hurtful to the people of New York. That's not the case - James wasn't trying to be mean - he wasn't trying to be hurtful to anyone.

James was just giving you a glimpse of his stupidity and the extreme "la la land" world of isolation that he lives in.

Folks, people like James Brolin and Barbara Streisand don't live in a normal world. They aren't normal people and haven't been since they became famous - which was at a very early age. They're like big kids - seriously. They are completely oblivious - completely clueless to what the world is really like. Their path to adulthood was arrested long ago when they became celebrities and they are frozen in a "never-never land" where truth and reality is whatever you can dream up - or conjure up in a drug-induced stupor.

Why would ANYONE ever place one bit of stock in ANYTHING that these idiots say? They aren't real people. At least President Bush has attended a good ole' fashioned tailgate before a football game. At least he knows how to grill a good angus steak on an old fashioned charcoal barbeque grill. At least he's been to Iraq. At least he's visited the wounded coming back from that war. At least he's received the thanks and condemnation of military families.

He's walked the path.

But these idiots never have.


A plumber knows more about politics than these guys.

A New York City cab driver knows more about the real world and politics than these guys.

A soldier in Iraq knows better what's going on there than these guys so why don't folks LISTEN to the 80-plus percent of them that are screaming to us to "STAY THE COURSE!!"

Folks - let entertainers entertain.

Listen to your HEROS for what to do in Iraq.

That's my defense of James Brolin ... he's not evil ...

He's an idiot.

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