Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Fox News Republican Debate

The Republican debate being sponsored by Fox News, which is actually airing as I write this - will probably turn out to be the first major exposure of the Republican candidates to Americans. The reason for this is because Fox News is still the number one news network on cable - though it has been slipping in recent months.

My early take on this debate is that there are far too many candidates appearing on the stage to conduct a proper debate. What we're getting tonight is basically an "airing of the issues" and some orchestrated "personality conflicts" being pushed by the Fox News debate moderators. In short - the moderators are more the story here than the candidates - who are simply being led by the nose.

By the way ... Ron Paul ... why the hell is he in the Republican Party? He's a surrender monkey. Huckabee also gets an "F" in my book for his statement "We broke things in Iraq".

Iraq is a noble cause. Bill Clinton, Bob Kerry, Hillary Clinton ... they all stated that Sadaam was a terroristic threat to his neighbors and the world at large. They all stated that he had weapons of mass destruction. Bob and Hillary voted to go and smack him. Anyone who says "We broke things in Iraq" is pandering to opinion polls and doesn't remember history. Doesn't remember when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Doesn't remember when the U.N. placed sanctions and demands on Iraq. Doesn't remember that Iraq agreed to comply with U.N. demands and doesn't remember that, for over 10 years - Iraq lied and refused to comply with the demands.

If there is a mess in Iraq - Sadaam caused it with his greed and evilness. It's going to take us quite awhile to sort out the mess that's left - but that doesn't mean that WE caused it - doesn't mean WE broke it. Get real Huckabee!

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