Thursday, September 27, 2007

Here Come Dem Dang Dems!

They're whacko, they're emboldened, THEY'RE IN CHARGE OF CONGRESS NOW and, by golly - they're coming for YOUR wallet next!

I'm talking about Congressman John Dingle's LUDICROUS NEW BILL to "tax carbon". Some of the "whacky" and hilarious highlights of Dingle's bill include ...

  • A FIFTY CENT PER GALLON TAX ON GASOLINE. That's added to the current 18.4 cents per gallon we're currently paying - so Dingle wants to raise the FEDERAL gas tax effectively to 68.4 cents per gallon! Now - that's not the worst of it - because the STATES also tax gas and in many localities - consumers also pay a local excise tax on gas. Fact is - if you live in California right now - you're paying 60 cents per gallon in combined Federal / State / Local taxes. Of that 60 cents - only 18.4 cents is Federal tax - ALL THE REST is courtesy of the California Governor and State House. If Dingle's bill becomes law - then Californians will be paying $1.10 in taxes for EACH GALLON of gas they purchase! Oh, and - of course if the Feds raise their tax on gas - nothing's going to stop the states from also increasing their share of the tax also!!
  • A $50 per ton tax on CARBON produced from sources like petroleum, coal, natural gas - basically this is a tax on your electric bill - so Dingle wants to make it more expensive for you to use these fuels to heat your home. Makes perfect sense right? I mean - we're paying ridiculously low home utility bills right now anyway right? Please!
  • Phase out the mortgage interest deduction on primary mortgages on houses over 3000 square feet. Here's the funny part - Dingle, Mr. Smarty Pants - doesn't like you guys with large homes because ... "These homes have contributed to increased sprawl and longer commutes. Despite new homes in and of themselves being more energy efficient, the sheer size, sprawl and commutes lead to dramatically more energy use – or to put it more simply, a larger carbon footprint."
What the fuck folks?

Read that sentence - a large home results in LONGER commutes! Fuck you guys who are living in 3K square foot homes out in the country - MOVE YOUR ASS TO THE CITY NOW! And if you don't - Dingle and his Democratic Global Warming Alarmists will break your checkbook with their new taxes!

Mao moved people out of the cities to go work on farms and in communes out in the country. The Democrats (who are Socialists just like Mao claimed to be for the most part) want to do kind of a "reverse Mao" trick here and move folks out of the rural areas and into the cities where they can be forced to take buses and eventually end up voting Democratic like most urbanites do these days.

Democrats really don't recognize any of what exists outside of an urban environment - farmers just increase Global Warming with their tractor exhaust and bovine flagellates. All of that peace and quiet and, frankly, unrestrained carbon emission has to be reigned in and eliminated for the Dems to feel comfortable. How the American "breadbasket" will feed the world when we turn all the farmers into taxi drivers is not something on the Democratic radar scope right now.

Who the fuck is Dingle to say that you can't live in the country folks? Who the fuck is he to judge you and the size of YOUR home??

All of this in the name of global warming but none of this takes into account anything like the energy efficiency of a home. There are MANY 2,000 square foot homes that utilize more energy than some 4,000 foot homes. Folks - Insulated Concrete Foam is known to cut utility bill by over 40, 50 percent in some cases but Dingle isn't looking at anything like that!!

That's because he's an idiot - and that's because Global Warming has nothing to do with his agenda here. What he's really after is YOUR money because the Democratic power machine runs on YOUR taxes and cheerfully raising them at the drop of a hat.

John Dingle is an idiot.

But the comforting thing is - even if his legislation passes - it won't pass with a veto-proof majority and DUBYA will slam dunk this one into the VETO BUCKET.

However - were Hillary the President - I'd bet she'd sign it.

Proof that the next election will not just be about the war in Iraq. Electing Democrats to political office has consequences - chilling ones - all over your way of life.

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