Sunday, September 23, 2007

"We Were WRONG! Again!"

Clark Hoyt, the Public Editor of the New York Times says the paper was wrong in publishing the "General Betrayus" ad that was bought and paid for at a cut rate by

Doesn't go far enough - but at least he admits that the ad violated the NYT's standards for personal attacks and also admits that they sold the ad to at the wrong price due to a "mistake"...

A $77,508.00 mistake? Come on! Has the sales rep who "made" this mistake been fired? Because if I made a mistake that cost my employer $77.5K - I'd be on the streets quick. If you have a REAL job - so would you.

Let's face it - no one is getting fired here because no one wants to give anyone an incentive to TALK about what really happened. The NYT is a liberal bastion that tries to pawn itself as an honest broker and truth seeker - when it's really in the pocket of George Soros.

This proves it.

Go ahead - Fire someone - I double dog dare you.

Won't happen folks.

My favorite quote from the article is this ...

"... And it gave fresh ammunition to a cottage industry that loves to bash The Times as a bastion of the “liberal media.”

Uhhh, rather than try to insult all of us out here who REALLY seek the truth by calling us a "cottage industry" - I'd like to see a denial here that the New York Times **IS** a "bastion of the liberal media".

Quite frankly - it is and that is undeniable. So don't insult those of us who are RIGHT about this fact by calling us "cottage".

Square your shit away New York Times! You take a side in politics - which you HAVE - you're going to get BASHED. You aren't reporters - you aren't journalists - you aren't impartial.

You are paid spinmeisters of This is the proof!

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