Thursday, September 06, 2007

Big Ole Fat Liars

Before U.S. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus has even testified before Congress ... before anyone's even seen his report on Iraq - the Democrats are already on a crusade to impeach what he'll say. They don't know for sure what he's going to say about Iraq - but they assess the possibility is high that he will say something positive about U.S. military efforts there. Heck, he may even say that we're winning.

The Democrats can't let that happen. This war has to go down as a loss for the United States. Our soldiers who have sacrificed so much to fight it - must have fought this war in vain because this war was started by a Republican President. Democrats find it unacceptable to have any kind of victory with a Republican in the Oval Office. And if it means that the U.S. has to LOSE a war - if it means that thousands of our soldiers must die in vain - if it means that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis die when we surrender and retreat ....

So be it!

We've been in Bosnia for what now? Fifteen years? Has any Democrat even mentioned a benchmark or how our military effort there is progressing? Answer - No ... because it was Bill Clinton who put those troops there - not a Republican. Who cares that the Serbians where choirboys compared to Sadaam Hussien - those Serbs had to go down by golly!

According to Sen. Charles Schumer - the violence in Iraq has gone down in spite of the U.S. troop surge - not because of it. According to "General" Charles Schumer - U.S. troops have proven incapable of stopping the violence.


Oh, and speaking of Schumer - here's a quote from him from September 20, 2005 ...

"This gouging is deep, and widespread. The oil companies are taking advantage of this crisis, which is disgraceful in itself. It is not supply and demand. We know that."

Schumer went on to call for an investigation of oil company price gouging.

Well, that investigation has concluded - and the Federal Trade Commission has concluded that the Oil Companies DID NOT gouge prices - the high price of gas was due to FREE MARKET FORCES.


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