Sunday, September 16, 2007

Great Website ...

Here's a good website that I've been watching for years for information on Iran and ideas about how to solve the "Iran Problem".

It's Reza Pahlavi's website. Pahlavi is the son of the late Shah of Iran and he and I are about the same age - I believe he's actually about two years older than I am. But I remember when I was 17, when the Shah and his family were forced to leave Iran. And I remember a young Reza Pahlavi - who I identified with because he was near my age.

Anyway - Pahlavi seems to have stayed very active as an Iranian dissident and exile who's worked hard to get his countrymen to awaken to the fact that they're being led by bunch of idiots now. Hehe, that's not how Reza would put it but, in essence, that's what he's doing!

Anyway - I don't always agree with him but I always check his site for his views. Most of you may know ... like Reza, I have been a proponent of NOT attacking Iran. My personal view has always been that we should diplomatically isolate them - while at the same time speeding up development of our theater ballistic missile defense. Then, if Iran ever launches a nuke - we just shoot it down and turn that whole damn nation into glass with our own nukes. In the past I've called this policy "YAD" ... "Your Assured Destruction". Basically, it's a "go ahead, make my day punk policy that I think will keep Iran reigned in.

However, something is now happening that I didn't plan on - Iran is now killing American soldiers in Iraq and many are calling for us to take military action against Iran. I'm still thinking on this one - but I'm not too far from agreeing with them.

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