Sunday, September 09, 2007

Conan The Centrist ...

It's hard to hate Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Even though there are certainly days that one would want to!

So, before I start beating on him for showing his "girlie-man" side again - let me just say that I have a lot of respect for him. He is, after all, a Republican Governor of the People's Republic of California. He's surrounded by wackos - famous celebs who think they know something about government and the constitution (but don't); "open-border" lunatics and immigration amnesty loons; gay marriage militants; the "marijuana as legal and legitimate medicine" weirdo's; the "tobacco industry is the root of all evil" strangos ...

the PETA crowd, the environmental terrorists ...

He's got them ALL - he's got his hands FULL.

So I can understand what he's doing when he leans a bit to the left. Still - that doesn't mean he shouldn't be challenged on things he says that are wrong - and that he probably KNOWS are wrong.

I'm talking about Arnold's latest statement that ...

"Our party has lost the middle and we will not regain true political power in California until we get it back,"

Well - I think it is safe to define the "California Middle" as something over on the left end of the political spectrum. So I believe that this statement from Arnold has more to do with California than it does with the nation.

His statement can't be applied on a nationwide basis because it is simply untrue. And it if it is - if the Republicans have truly "lost" the middle - then it is more of a communication problem than a real problem. And the problem is mostly brought on by the Main Stream Liberal Media - which constantly repeats the lie that Republicans are a bunch of "right wing loons".

Yet - an honest analysis reveals that Republicans are anything but ...

Example ...

You can learn a lot from the Presidential Primary debates so let's contrast what we see on those stages from the Republicans and Democrats.

Let's look at the Dem's ...

Is there a single "Pro-Life" Democratic candidate running for President? I don't think so. If there were - he or she would probably be shot. In fact, I can't off-hand think of a single major Democratic political figure that is Pro-Life. They are all pro-abortion - and that is not a "centrist" position.

Is there a single "Pro-War" Democratic candidate running for President? Absolutely not - Joe Liberman was hunted down and thrown off the democratic party train by the Dem big-wigs. No politician can be "pro-war" and be in the Democratic party and be outspoken about it - and Joe is the proof there. This is not a characteristic of a "centrist" party.

What would every single Democrat do if they inherited the Iraq war? Well, according to all of them - they would begin pulling troops out immediately - they would begin surrendering. There's no evidence of a centrist view here and, every time Hillary even hints at doing something else in Iraq the Daily KOS beats the hell out of her and gets her back in line - on the left.

I could go on here and all of you know it. The Democratic Party is a pasteurized leftist party - nothing centrist about them. They do have a few Blue Dog Democrats who support things like LIFE and killing terrorists - but they are quiet because they know the Democratic leaders would beat the living shit out of them if they spoke up with an alternate view other than the one Chairman Pelosi has (Communist pun intentionally made there).

Now contrast that with what you have on the Republican side ...

Republicans have PRO-LIFE and PRO-Abortion candidates. Republicans have PRO-WAR and Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys running for President and other offices. Republicans are anything but homogeneous in their political views.

Therefore - the true CENTRIST party - are the Republicans. Republicans have major players on all sides of the immigration debate. All sides of Roe Vs Wade. All sides of the Iraq war. Some Republicans are for the death penalty - others aren't. They are the most diverse party in terms of ideas that we have currently.

The Democrats resemble the Chinese Communist Party of Mao's time. They are only allowed to speak "Mao's doctrine" (i.e. Nancy Pelosi / Harry Reid's doctrine). They are punished when they don't - see again Joe Lieberman.

So - to the Main Stream Press - please don't apply Arnold's comments, which were made about California - to the entire nation. His comments don't fit in a national comparison at all. They only fit in an extremely radically liberal area of the country - which is what California is.

And yes - I've lived in California before. I lived in San Diego for about nine years - so I have a bit of personal experience with the state also.


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