Monday, August 22, 2005


Politicians and pundits on the Conservative side are practically screaming for President Bush to get out there in front of every microphone he can and boost up American morale for the Iraq war. For Conservatives, they view this as a matter of survival for the elections next year.

I’ll address the elections momentarily – but I just want to say one thing on the subject of “morale building” for Americans…

First of all, it’s a given fact that the morale of the troops who are fighting and dieing in this war for us is up to snuff. They’re “hackers” and are proud of doing a tough job and the sacrifices they make. They’re out there everyday putting holes in terrorists in Iraq and picking up their fallen buddies. They get up every morning and do this all day – day after day. They’re not quitting. They don’t want to quit. They won’t quit.

Now we want President Bush to hit the road to bolster the morale of the American couch potato? I’m sorry folks, I have an issue with this. In WWII the folks at home had “victory gardens”. We had rationing. The homefront made all kinds of sacrifices for our soldiers in the field fighting the war. What kind of sacrifices are we making today in a war that is NO LESS important than WWII? Where’s the rationing? Where are the “victory gardens”?

All we do back here is bitch about the war and the price of gas – buy a motorcycle for crissakes!

And what’s your beef with the war? You aren’t fighting it.

The economy is the best it’s ever been – and everyone is yawning and complaining. They’d rather complain about the war and gas.

Well, I’m sorry. I think Bush should skip the cheerleading tour and focus on our guys and gals in Iraq – and in defeating the terrorists, which he’s proven that he is WILLING and EFFECTIVE in doing (unlike recent revelations about Slick Willy’s administration of appeasement).

Folks, there comes a time in the life of a Nation when it either proves that it is worthy of survival or it isn’t. This is one of those times for us. If President Bush has to hold a “pep rally” for us back here who are doing absolutely nothing for the GWOT – then maybe we don’t deserve to survive as a nation. Perhaps a hundred years for us living under Islamofascist rule will wake us up to smell the coffee and realize that freedom isn’t free. Perhaps when the Islamofascists tear up our fist amendment we’ll suddenly realize that it was never “words” that kept us free anyway.

You know, if the American people want to buy into what Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore are selling – then perhaps we don’t deserve to be the inheritors of the greatest Democratic Nation the world has ever seen. I know what George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt would be saying right now – and it wouldn’t be “Give Peace a Chance”. Those guys understood what it took to become free – and to stay free. And if we haven’t learned from their example – then we don’t deserve to exist free. Show me where it’s written anywhere that “This is America and it must always be free.” It isn’t written anywhere – not the Bible or the Koran or the Bhagavad Gita. So let’s get real here.

President Bush has explained the facts of this war over and over again. We were attacked on 9-11 and we lost THOUSANDS. If we’re getting weak knees right now – then shame on us.

So there ya go.

As far as the elections go next year – anyone who wants to vote for the Democrats who seem to be endorsing Cindy Sheehan right now – who am I to try to stop them? This is a free country for the moment – vote for whoever you want. You want to vote for someone that endorses Cindy Sheehan when she says that Osama Bin Laden might not have been the one that attacked us on 9-11 – go ahead. Be my guest. If you believe in her tactics of fighting this war … i.e. “Do nothing” until the Islamofascists are in the streets raping your daughters – then have your wife go out and beat them in the head with a rolling pin. G’head.

But don’t ask me to show up at any pep rallies – I’m good to go over here. I'll pay $4.00/gal for gas and I don't really care if the "housing bubble" bursts or not. Raise my taxes and give more pay to these troops - I'm ready to support. Hit me with some rationing - I'm good with that. I've been over there fighting this war - and I really felt like I was doing something positive for America. Sitting back here at home and listening to a bunch of crybaby's who aren't doing a single thing to keep themselves free is getting a little nauseating to me folks. Others like me are too. It's time for someone else beside your average PFC in Bagdad to prove that this country is worth salvaging.

Times like these I really miss the days when I was deployed fighting in the Afghan and the Iraq War. Every morning I would wake up - and all around me I was surrounded by brave Americans of several generations and both sexes - who were all willing to give their lives that very day if necessary to defend freedom for the folks back here at home. We all believed that Americans cherished freedom and were willing to make whatever sacrifices were necessary to preserve it.

Now I wake up and turn on the news and I find another crybaby complaining that we should repeal the gas tax because gas is too high. Every morning I see some other chick from the "Terrorist's Rights" Party, all gussied up with immaculate hair and lipstick, talking about what a "toll" this war is taking on ... us? What does she know about war? Every morning I wake up and see Cindy Sheehan's picture plastered on the tube.

News Flash - somebody take an 8X10 picture of Cindy Sheehan and put it on one of the tables in a chow hall at the Bagdad Airport during meal hours. Come back an hour later and what kind of horrendous things do you think would have been done to it? That's what the troops think of Cindy Sheehan. They wouldn't give her 30 miliseconds - much less 30 days -- of airtime on Armed Forces Television.

Hey, I'm just speaking the truth here. Everyone is so "beat down" back here on the homefront - like they're sacrificing so much for this war. What gives? Check out these guys and what they're dealing with. Notice any of them complaining?

[Video Clip courtesy of Michael Yon - GO MIKE!]

I’m really not this bitter folks – this is a bitter post though ain’t it? Well, it’s true. And those of us who know what we’re fighting for KNOW it’s true. I ain’t the only one who sees this.

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