Friday, August 12, 2005


“The subsequent fate of the South Vietnamese people ought to convince anyone that the war should have been fought and won. We know of the tortures and murders in the re-education camps, and of the postwar terror which destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, and which produced over a million refugees. To anyone with the slightest knowledge of communist takeovers in other countries, these things were entirely foreseeable. The almost complete indifference of American antiwar radicals to the terrible fate of the South Vietnamese after the Communists’ victory demonstrates the protests were not motivated by concern for the people of Vietnam. The protests were primarily about the moral superiority of the protesters and their rage against their own country.”

-- Judge Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Towards Gomorrah – Modern Liberalism and American Decline”

And it’s happening again folks. The antiwar movement today is in NO WAY different than it was during Vietnam – in fact, you can even see some of the same (now cracked) faces in the antiwar movement as we saw during Vietnam. The antiwar liberals out there are doing nothing for world peace. They are doing nothing to secure the future and freedom of the Iraqi people. They are doing nothing to support our troops.

Anyone with an ounce of logic can see that their only goal is drag this country – the country that gave them life and freedom – into oblivion.

They are UN-American (yep – I said it) – and they are mentally ill.

They are UN-American because their activities produce nothing positive for America – and nothing positive for the world. While ranting against collateral civilian deaths to free the Iraqi people – they completely ignore the decades of tyranny, genocide, and rape that the Iraqi’s experienced under Sadaam Hussein. If the only product of an activity is damage to the American form of government and the American ideal of freedom – then that activity is, by definition – UN-American.

And for the “silent majority” out there – and I’m speaking to people who support freedom and want to see us win this war – what are we going to do about it? Since our retreat from Vietnam we have said for decades that our Soldiers in Vietnam did not lose the war there – they won every single battle they fought against the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese. We have said for decades that the war was lost on the public front here at home. We blamed our politicians, and our President, for not fighting the war more vigorously.

But what responsibility did the “silent majority” have for the loss of the Vietnam War?

Let me tell you – we lost in Vietnam – not because of Jane Fonda. Not because of John Kerry and his dirty little band of violent socialists. Not because of the student protests on the campus universities.

We lost because WE – THE SILENT MAJORITY – allowed the antiwar movement to monopolize the stage and intimidate our elected officials into losing it.

While we sat on our rears around the kitchen table and complained about the protests – the antiwar protesters were in the street getting the attention of our elected leaders.

So don’t blame Jane Fonda for our embarrassment in Vietnam. Look in the mirror and you’ll see who really lost it.

With that knowledge – are we going to let it happen – AGAIN?

It’s EASIER than ever to write your Senators and Congressmen these days than it ever has been. Just go to their website and leave them a message. If you haven’t written them a message lately – then YOU are a part of that SILENT MAJORITY that will lose this war for us. If you haven’t written a letter of support to President Bush lately – then YOU are a part of the SILENT MAJORITY that will lose this war for us. There is no limit to the number of times you can write these folks – the more the better! Write them all once a week – it takes no more 20 minutes to contact them all!

Start a BLOG – sure, only 1 or 2 folks may read it – but if there are MILLIONS of BLOGS out there advocating support and congesting Internet bandwidth and resources – that produces a MAJOR impact that can’t be ignored.

BOYCOTT anyone or anything that gives aid and comfort to the enemy – when the Rolling Stones put out their new album next month – DON’T BUY IT. When the producer of “War of the Worlds” says that his movie is really about the Iraqi war and the Americans are the bad guys – DON’T GO SEE IT.

SUPPORT people who support the war. Buy a Toby Keith CD – even if you don’t like his music personally. The media will get the message from this … “Hmmm, Toby Keith sales going UP – Dixie Chicks going DOWN!” Watch FOX - and boycott CNN (Fox has already BURIED CNN in the ratings anyway).

Most of us can’t get out into the streets like the antiwar crowd can. We hold down jobs and pay taxes so the antiwar folks can live off our dole. But if you’re retired and can hold a sign – get some of your retired friends and get out there. We have antiwar pawn Cindy Sheehan outside the Bush ranch in Texas – harassing the President and disgracing the good and honorable name of her own son. If she can go down there – YOU CAN TOO. Let the media know that she doesn’t speak for the majority of Americans.

You get ONE CHANCE to win a war folks. We can’t go back and do the right thing now in Vietnam. We had our chance – we blew it. We sat on our butts and blew it. Are we gonna do it again?

1 comment:

AWG said...

I like Toby Keith AND the Dixie Chicks. The problem is not left vs. right or liberal vs. conservative. No, the controllers want us to think that. It's really the super wealthy against everyone else. They don't want you to see that though. Read "What's the Matter with Kansas" for additional insights.