Thursday, August 04, 2005


Let me start this blog entry out by saying every negative thing I can think of about PETER FRAMPTON ...

Hmmm... well, he DID support John Kerry in the last election. Not nearly as insanely as Bruce Springstein did - but he did give Kerry a background nod.

That's about all the negative I can say about Frampton.

But when I think of all the reasons I like him - I come up with the following ...

1. Frampton was a "pretty boy" back in the 70's. He had the look we all wanted back then. He was skinny, young, long hair - and the women loved, or rather worshipped him. All of us were envious of him. We never in our wildest dreams could have imagined an "elderly" Framton back then. Today Peter is in his 50's and, at a time when most elderly rockers are trying to regain their youthful images through either their dress, behavior, or plastic surgery - Frampton has accepted and even embraced his elderly look. Look at him now - balding, gray hair (that he doesn't even attempt to dye), wrinkles, and -- spectacles! Peter Frampton is, and always has been, a man with a depth that went well beyond that boyish guitar genious image that he had in the 70's. He's a man who is comfortable in his own skin - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

2. Frampton lives in Cincinatti, Ohio. Not exactly where you'd expect a "rocker" to settle down. But that's where he's settled. He has a beautiful house there with a built in studio. Most of Frampton's peers live in California (usually Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, or Hollywood) or New York. Frampton is settled in Cincinatti, and he's pretty proud of that fact and HIS city. This is pretty much what you'd expect of a humble, non-pretentious guy - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

3. Frampton doesn't care what anyone else thinks of him or his image. He doesn't care about what other people think he should be doing with his life. Pete's not afraid to record a tune for a Disney cartoon. Pete will go out and read books to kids in the local library. Pete doesn't hesitate to show up and play at a concert where the proceeds go to a Christian charity organization that helps teenagers. Frampton is out there, in the community, trying to make things better - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

4. He was born in England - and now he's a proud U.S. citizen. He says he was motivated to become a citizen by the terrorist attacks of 9/11 - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

5. Frampton sends his daughter to public school - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

6. I don't recall Peter Frampton ever being arrested by the cops - or being accused of rape, or public indecency. I'm sure there's a few things in his past that would probably disqualify him for a "halo" - but as rockers go - he's been a good guy - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

7. No one plays a guitar like Frampton. He has his own style that is instantly recognizable. Listen to one of Pete's riffs - and you'll here true rock-n-roll. Go back and listen to it again - and you'll hear BLUES. Listen again and you'll hear - yes it IS there - JAZZ! Pete is really the only guy I've ever heard that can blend those three styles together so transparently. Yes, there's a lot of good rock guitarists out there. And yes, a lot of them are clearly BLUES inspired. But I can't think of many others that also will unabashedly pull JAZZ into their style like Peter does - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

8. Frampton has unapologetically written and performed love songs his entire career. You're not going to find much "revolution" or "street fighting" in the stuff that Pete has done. Most of his stuff has been about the beautiful aspects of life - sung and performed beautifully by him - and that's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

9. Of all the people who have "covered" "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - by George Harrison, Pete has been the one to cover it the most eloquently. Listen to his version - it's as good as George's - but, but it doesn't attempt to eclipse George - rather, it weeps for him. Only Frampton could have done this - and it's one of the reasons I like Frampton.

10. I have tickets in the FIFTH row of FRAMPTON'S concert in Gulfport, MS in October! I am stoked beyond belief! I had tickets to his show last year but he had to cancel the concert when Hurricane Ivan came to visit! He's back this year though - and I'll be there - up close, watching every move his fingers make on that Les Paul of his - trying to figure out way that I can be as good as he is! And that's another reason I like Frampton!

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