Thursday, August 11, 2005


I was playing my Telecaster on the couch last night – while also vaguely watching O’Reilly on the Fox News Channel.

Anyway – I think it was O’Reilly – and his guest was Dick Morris.

I like Dick Morris – he’s not only funny but he’s often right. Dick called a victory for “Dubya” early on in the last election, and he stuck by that call all the way up to election day when everyone else in the news media was in an orgasmic frenzy and pronouncing the Bush campaign sunk. In fact, Dick even wrote another column the week before the election and even proclaimed that Bush would still win – and he did that right in the face of everyone in the media who read his comments and just laughed at him. Well, we now know who got the last laugh.

But what did I hear Dick say last night on O’Reilly?

Did I hear him say that Hillary may PULL OUT of the NY Senate Race next year?

Hmmm, I hadn’t thought about that possibility because Slick Willy has been all over the tube saying that it’s absolutely imperative for Hillary to have her contract “ratified” again by the voters of New York before she concentrates on a Presidential bid.

However, if what I understood Dick to say was correct – he might be on to something here.

Although the Liberals are just fawning all over themselves that Hillary will now be defending her seat in the Senate against PIRRO – their celebration is a bit premature I think.

First of all, PIRRO is a woman – who will be running against a woman. This means that this will be a “no hold’s barred” catfight.

And PIRRO is one helluva a catfighter.

Hillary – ain’t.

Hillary is a paper-tigress – she is completely a media creation. When was the last time you saw her on TV making a stirring speech? Think real hard – you really haven’t – and it’s because Hillary is a lousy speaker. She’s monotone, completely unemotional – she’s exactly the opposite of her husband Bill – who is an outstanding speaker.

Hillary does have a “war face” though – she can be upset and passionate and she can fire back and I’ve seen her do it. The problem is – she looks like a complete idiot when she does. Every politician has to have a “war face” – and one they can break out every now and then when they need to. Hillary’s handler’s won’t let her break out her “war face” – because they know that she’ll lose votes every time she does. This is why every time you see Hillary in front of a microphone – it’s in a VERY controlled situation. She doesn’t get in front of any mic without knowing exactly what she’s going to be saying and making sure that the situation is controlled enough so that she doesn’t have to do too much “ad libbing”.

PIRRO is exactly opposite. She oozes sound bites. She has a formidable war face that only a real New York politician has. She can get right down in the gutter and crawl around and people just look at her in admiration because of the style and enthusiasm with which she does it. PIRRO will score some serious points against Hillary. I dare say, that Hillary’s polls right now will go nowhere but DOWN – she’s at the high water mark right now.

And, for the male voters – PIRRO wins the sex appeal contest hands down. Don’t underestimate this quality – both her looks and attitude are sexy – and, hey – guys are guys. She’s intelligent too – so guys won’t feel guilty when they give into their “dark side” and pull the lever for her.

Hillary, may be looking at a tough contest here – especially after the NY voters see her “war face” a couple of times.

If Hillary were to lose the Senate race – or be “wounded” in the process and make a poor showing – you can just about forget about any chances she has in a Presidential run. That’s a fact – and I think she knows this.

So if it looks like the race is going to be “too hot” for Hillary – then maybe she should just get out of it and concentrate on the Presidential run in ’08. She certainly can do so without losing too much face – if she does it sooner rather than later. She can simply say that she doesn’t think it’s right to ask New Yorkers to reelect her when she will be running for Prez in ’08. That’s a noble excuse – but it will require her to announce her intentions to run for President much sooner than she really wanted.

I know Liberals are just as happy as pie that PIRRO is in the race – but I think they’re wrong.

I think this race is going to be interesting and cause Hillary some discomfort.

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