Friday, August 19, 2005


I was going to write another article on Cindy Sheehan, but this post represents what I would have said in it perfectly (and unbelievably - it's from the LA Times) ...

Who speaks for Casey Sheehan ...

Here are some other great articles ...

I like Ann Coulter - not just because she's intelligent and aggressive - but because she's also HOT! Then again, maybe I find her HOT because she's intelligent and aggressive. Oh well, I'll ask a shrink someday. Anyway, here's her article ...

Commander in Grief ...

The final article is also from the LA Times. I don't agree with everything in it but it's fair and balanced and makes one think ...

Moral Authority on a Slippery Slope ...

Cindy Sheehan has left Crawford - reportedly to visit her ailing mother in the hospital. The protest in Crawford - again reportedly - will go on. It will be interesting to see what new "face" replaces Cindy at the helm of this protest. Ideally, they would want another "grieving mother" to assume this substitute role - but they may not have a willing one. My guess is that someone down there from MOVEON.ORG or one of the other radical groups will step eagerly up to the plate to keep the press interested. And my predicition, if this happens, is that "substitute" will completely botch the PR effort for them and we will glean a clearer picture through the MSM that these folks are WAY OVER on the radical side of the fence. Always trust in a liberal ideologue's ability to push their opinions too far. They are their own worst enemies.

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