Wednesday, July 27, 2005


So, you are the head of Scotland Yard and, a few weeks ago, four Islamofacist suicide bombers detonated their bombs and killed around 60 of your fellow countrymen in the London tube and on a double-decker bus. A week later, four other guys attempt to do the same thing - but their equipment fails and they are forced to run off in chaos.

Now you have four suicide bombers on the loose - men who you know have already resigned themselves to death and almost certainly will make the attempt again.

Suddenly, one of your officers informs you that one of the failed terrorists has been captured - but only one - and he is now in your custody for questioning.


But when your officers question him - he refuses to speak. Every indication you have - tells you that the other three are out there somewhere - about to attack again - and you know this because your officers are finding A LOT of explosive material in the raids they've been making lately.

Soooo, there you are - a suspect in custody, who won't talk. Three others on the lamb bent on another attack. Your wife and kids ride the tube everyday to work and school. You're fearful they will harmed in the next attack - it certainly is a possibilty. But even if they aren't - untold numbers of your countrymen will be.

And the little jerk in custody won't talk. What do you do? Torture?

Let me tell you folks - if I were the head of Scotland Yard - that little jerk would be singing like a canary.

By any means necessary.

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