Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Homosexual marriage is legal in the state of Massachusetts and ...

In 2004 - 80,000 children were born in the state of Massachusetts. Sixty-one (61) of those children were born to homosexual couples.

Put another way - of all the babies born in Massachusetts last year - .07 percent were born to homosexual couples.

So when the hospitals asked the governor what they should do with the birth certificates of children born to homosexual couples - the governor came up with a pretty good solution ...

"Cross out the words 'mother' and 'father' and fill in the names of the homosexual couple."

Sounds like a great solution right? I mean, why print up thousands of special birth certificates for an extreme minority of the births? Just black out the words "mother" and "father" and fill in the names of the homosexual parents.

"Wrong Move!" Says the homosexual special intrest lobby in Massachusetts!

Continuing to play the role of "victim" - a role they have become expert in - the homosexual lobby is now demanding the words "mother" and "father" be ELIMINATED from the birth certificates! Appears the homosexuals believe that those words "stigmatize" their children.

According to the homosexual lobby - the terms "mother" and "father" should be eliminated from birth certificates and replaced with "parent A" and "parent B". It also appears they want this change made to ALL birth certificates - even those of children born to heterosexual couples.


What bunk! By the time these children even see these birth certificates they'll be grown! Surely they'll be able to deal with the fact that their "parents" were homosexual and understand full well why the state crossed the "mother/father" words out. If they haven't come to terms with the fact that their parents are homosexuals by that point - they have greater problems than two crossed out words on their birth certificate!

And all of you liberals out there REALLY believed the homosexual lobby when they said that "same sex" marriage wasn't about destroying traditional marriage. You believed 'em - we conservatives told you - "give 'em an inch - they'll take a mile". We told you that this was all about eliminating traditional values and notions of what a real "family" is. We all told you - you didn't believe us.

And this business with birth certificates - it's only the TIP of the iceberg because, folks, Pandora's Box is now open!

The next thing that the homosexual lobby will be after is to eliminate the WORDS "mother" and "father" from our speaking vocabulary!

I mean, isn't it unfair that we ask children questions like ... "Who is your father young man?" Doesn't that stigmatize the children of homosexuals when they're forced to answer ... "I don't really have one?"

Wouldn't it be much better to just ask them ... "Who is your Parent "A" young man?"

Additionally, we shouldn't appear to "endorse" traditional marriage in our public school systems - therefore, we need to get rid of "mother/father" terms in our school curriculum. For instance ...

"George Washington told his father 'I cannot tell a lie'" ...

should be changed to ...

"George Washington told parent A, 'I cannot tell a lie'"...

Yeah, I hear y'all laughin' out there now - trust me - it's coming! And it'll get even worse than that!

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