Friday, July 13, 2007

Terrorist Rights Party

What is it that makes an individual place more importance on the "bad science" of global warming than he or she does on the clear and present danger of Islamo-Fascist terror?

Why are Liberal Democrats so determined to destroy our economy with drastically unreasonable curtailments on green house gas emissions ...

But they aren't willing to take even the slightest PRIORITY action against a terroristic threat that promises ... PROMISES ... to destroy us? Why do Liberal Democrats continue to blow-off this clear and present danger to our lives and our way of life? Especially with the hindsight of what those Islamic Fascists did on September, 11th 2001?

Why are Liberal Democrats so ready to shoot down YOUR right to keep and bear arms - a fundamental birthright of all American citizens which is enshrined in the second ammendment of the Bill of Rights but ...

They are unwilling to allow Federal agents to listen in on the phone conversations of terrorists?

Why are Liberal Democrats so willing to take away the right of an oil company to turn a profit ...

Yet they are unwilling to incarcerate terrorists without insisting that they be given the same rights that you or I have?

Why do Liberal Democrats bash George Bush - calling him a liar? Why do they openly hope for the death of the Dick Cheney ...

When they haven't said a DAMN WORD about Osama Bin Laden - the guy who caused this.

Why are Liberal Democrats so intent on renewing the Voting Rights Act here in the United States ...

Yet they won't say a DAMN WORD about the racist President of Iran?

Why are Liberal Democrats constantly telling us what a bad nation we are because Women still aren't equal with men and yet ...

They won't say a DAMN WORD about the abhorrent way women are treated in Islamo-Fascist society?

Why is America so bad? Why are these other guys -- the guys who chop off heads, the guys who say we'll get NO PEACE until we convert to Islam -- the guys who torture and belittle their women -- the guys who are holocaust "deniers" ...

Why are those guys so good?

It's time to call the Liberal Democrats what they really are ...

They're anti-American (the record clearly shows this). They are traitors to Americans, and to the American way of life. The Democratic Party has become the "Terrorist Rights Party". They are the party of "Surrender" and "Defeat".

But here is a message to Liberal Democrats ...

It won't work buds.

This President will not surrender - nor will the next one if he's a Republican. Hillary says that she'll begin an immediate pullout if she's elected President - and that's the only way this is going to happen. It will be a Democrat that consummates the surrender and the defeat folks - it won't be a Republican.

And you can complain about why we shouldn't have been over there in the first place. You can try to blame a "surrender" on the fact that we were wrong about going there. But that is not going to wash in the Laundromat of history. Historians will record ... what happened when we abandoned Iraq. And even if historians condemn us from going to Iraq in the first place (which they won't) - they will certainly no allow that as an excuse for a surrender that leaves the middle-east in a turmoil that eventually ignites the entire world.

That blame - will be placed squarely on the shoulders of the Liberal Democrats.

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