Monday, December 19, 2005


I think I have come up with a way to both restore some honesty and certainly some productivity to American government ...


Can we just pronounce this a failed program already? I mean seriously, what has our government become since we installed cameras and CSPAN into both chambers of Congress?

Both houses of Congress have become nothing more than vehicles of demagogery since we put those cameras in there. They don't even try to hide it anymore - whoever has the floor just looks right into the camera while they're making their speech. And why not? They aren't talking to the other members of Congress (as they should be) - they're talking to the American people. It's called "face-time" folks. All the members of Congress know they have to get up where their constituents can see them and make stirring and outrageous speeches.

It's sickening. How much would Congress get done if their members weren't constantly auditioning for the next election on the Congressional cameras?

Man, I watch this stuff - and it just upsets me. These guys are ridiculous. Especially when an investigation is going on. Don't ever call me in front of Congress to testify - 'cause I aint gonna take their abuse. Instead of investigating - the members of these committees PONTIFICATE.

Take Congressman Gene Taylor of Mississippi when he was supposedly questioning the former FEMA head Michael Brown. Now, old Gene is from Mississippi, which was hard hit by KATRINA - so Gene figures he has to put on a big show and blast the beejabbers out of Mike Brown. All this so that the folks back in Mississippi will know that GENE TAYLOR - BY GOLLY - IS IN CHARGE AND AT THE HELM!

Little Gene looked like a high school kid in drama class with his tirade against Mike Brown. And let's remember here, by this time - Mike Brown was a "has been" - he'd already been fired - so what in the world did piling on him accomplish?

Answer - nothing.

Message to Gene - how about doing something concrete for your constituents instead of feigning emotional outbursts on National TV? How about doing a Congressman's work the old fashioned HARD WAY? Work the back offices and produce some results! Actions, not words.

Don't mean to pick on Gene - he's not the only example. Congress is full of wackos (read: Maxine Waters) and these cameras allow these people to crawl right into your living room. I didn't vote for these wackos - let them pester the folks who put them in office! Leave me alone. The people who elected them might be idiots but I'm not - so don't treat me like one by telling me that Bush blew up the levees in New Orleans!

It's gotten ridiculous folks - remove the cameras!

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