Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Last Friday, Harry Reid left the Senate chamber of Congress, found an open mike and a group of ready and willing reporters and back-slapingly announced ... "Think of what just happened a few minutes ago in the Senate ... WE JUST KILLED THE PATRIOT ACT!"

Yeah, think about what just happened Harry - YOUR Terrorist's Rights Party just went on record with the American people as obstructionists in the war on terror. Rather than back-slapping, you need to be in a corner crying somewhere my friend - because your party is now backed deep into a very dark corner.

You're in a dark corner because ...

1. You screamed to high heavens when Valerie Plame's name was released to the press. However, that leak DID NOT compromise National Security. The worst it did was end the career of an inactive CIA agent whose career arguably ended when she married her politically operative and very conspicuous husband - Joe Wilson. Let's remember here - spies are supposed to be LOW PROFILE there Valerie. However, when news of the NSA wiretapping was leaked to the press - a leak that DOES cause damage to National Security and will certainly put lives in danger - Harry and the TRP are silent about getting to the bottom of it. The American people aren't stupid enough to miss this hypocracy Harry.

2. "We just killed the Patriot Act" - Harry, rule number one in politics is that you never utter a sentence like that. That's why pro-abortionists call themselves "pro-choice". It just sounds bad to say you're in favor of abortion - because abortion means killing. You don't "kill" a "patriot act" Harry, you amateur. American's like the word "patriot" and they don't want to see you jumping for joy for killing anything associated with the word. If you were smart - you would have thought of another term for the Patriot Act - maybe "Presidential Power Usurpation Act" - or something like that. I don't want to do you work for you though. Just trying to point out what a complete imbecile you are.

3. "We just killed the Patriot Act" - Well, if it doesn't get passed this week - you're darned right - YOU KILLED IT. And now we all have a nice little soundbite (recorded for posterity) from you announcing that YOU are responsible for it. That's going to make some cherry airplay immediately after the next terrorist attack. Yep, Harry and the TRP killed the Patriot Act and that's why we had another successful terrorist attack. Harry, you're an idiot for going on record like this - but I love it!

4. Last but not least - the Prez is fed up with you. I think GW is ready to pull the gloves off and starting kicking some serious brownie. Harry, you've had a good run, but you should've known when to quit - and you should always quit before the bigger guy gets pissed off. But he's pissed now and he ain't gonna take any more of your crap. I predict a painful new year for the TRP. Enjoy Christmas though - er, I mean - "Happy Holidays" to ya!

I just don't see a way the Dem's can get out of this one.

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