Wednesday, January 11, 2006


The campaign to recall Governor Kathleen Blacstare is now 24 hours old - and we have a bit more news on it as the MSM and Bloggers start poking and prodding the initiative.

Marsha Shuler of reports that the recall effort, for the moment at least, is apparently a grass-roots effort begun by 51-year old St. Martinsville resident Kat Landry. However, according to the article, Ms Landry may get some help from the Louisiana GOP ...

State Republican Party chairman Roger Villere said Landry could get some help from the GOP.

“It’s something we might get on board with,” said Villere, who said Republicans are particularly upset about Blanco-ordered delays in elections for Orleans and Jefferson parishes.

Villere said getting one-third of the state’s voters to sign recall petitions in the next 180 days “is a tall order. It’s a real challenge.”
The GOP appears to be taking a "wait and see" approach before committing to the effort - at least publicly. And judging from the grass-roots flavor of the R.E.C.A.L.L. website, Ms Landry hasn't received much in the way of monetary or IT support from State Republicans ... yet.

Additionally, the Louisiana Democratic party hasn't come to Blanco's defense yet - clearly a sign that even they believe the recall is a grass roots effort consisting of Kat Landry and very few others. It's likely they are (wisely) remaining quiet for the moment in order to avoid calling too much media attention to Ms Landry and her efforts. At this point - major media coverage could ignite this recall like a wildfire throughout the State - possibly giving Ms. Landry the momentum to accomplish a very difficult task. So the Dem's are remaining quiet for the moment - hoping the issue will die a quick death. When you see them start commenting on their state web site about the recall - that'll be a clear indication that either they believe the Republicans are rendering tangible support to Ms Landry - or the issue is gaining steam.

For the moment - nary a word about this recall is posted on either party's website.

We shall see though. This effort to recall Blanco may not be eventually successful - but it won't be ignored. If Kat Landry comes up with the funds for a few radio spots - the major political parties won't be able to sit on the sidelines very long.

I predict this is going to be an issue here in Louisiana.

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