Saturday, November 19, 2005


Do Americans have the guts to WIN the Global War on Terror?

Sadly, I think the answer is no.

Right now, I'm ashamed of Americans, and embarrased to be one. We forget so easily the lessons of 9-11. Osama Bin Laden has told his followers many, many times that Americans always "cut and run". He's always told his followers that we have no stomach for even minor sacrifice and all they have to do is hold out long enough and we'll cave in. He's always told them that we would destroy ourselves with our open-society and democratic freedom of speech.

And he was right. Democrats (read: Terrorist Rights Party) hold so much hatred for President Bush - they are willing to lose the war in order to embarrass him. Americans continue to give Bush low approval ratings. We're not united, we're cutting our own selves to shreads. We don't deserve to win this war - perhaps we don't even deserve to carry the mantle of freedom our forefathers left to us. We're cowards - that is, all of us except our men and women in uniform on the front lines of this war.

"I'm no coward!!" you say?

Let me ask you something.

Have you been on the front lines of this war fighting alongside our men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan?

If you answered "yes" to that question - then you're right - you're not a coward.

If you answered "no" - then I have one other question for you ...

"Have you taken to the streets yet to support the War? What have you done to SHOUT DOWN these terrorist sympathizer idiots like the Democratic caucus?

Boss - if you've been supporting the war from your living room couch - YOU are a COWARD. If you haven't taken to the streets to stand up for our fighting men and women - YOU are a COWARD. If you haven't written at least 50 letters to the Al Quaida members in the US Congress (like Kennedy, Schumer, Pelosi) - YOU are a COWARD.

And because of your inaction - your refusal to be "bothered" - WE WILL LOSE THIS WAR.

Osama predicted it - and he was right. He's dedicated to his cause - willing to die for it.

YOU aren't willing to pick up a pen and write a letter for yours though.

Who do YOU think will win?

Nuff Said.

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