Thursday, April 10, 2008

TRP Tells Columbians to F@*K OFF!

The TRP (a.k.a. "Terrorist Rights Party" ... sometimes also known as the Democratic Party; the Harry and Nancy Goat Rope; and the Howard Dean Clown Car) has told one of our closest allies in Central America, Columbia - to basically FUCK OFF!!

Sad tale of woe here ...

But WAIT! I thought the Democrats were concerned about our status in the world and they wanted to make more friends (and keep the ones we've had). Well ... apparently not as this move by the TRP isn't going to help our stature with our most stalwart ally in Central America - Columbia.

Could it be that Democrats are only interested in cuddling up to our enemies? Looks to be true to me here. The Columbian government LIKES President Bush - therefore ... they must be BAD. Hugo Chavez, the Columbian's biggest enemy right now - doesn't like Bush so he's good.

So the Democrats give Hugo a big thumbs up today while telling our good friends in Columbia to "Go To Hell".

Gee - Thank You very much Nancy Pelosi for giving us this lesson in how to make and keep friends.

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