Friday, September 05, 2008

Media Makes A Star ...

"I think it's just absolutely horrible. But thank God they're doing it, because I understand, for instance, the media has pushed 37 million to watch her last night...I just hope that they keep it up. Just keep doing it, and showing the hypocrisy of the left. "

- Tom Delay

I'm convinced now that the American Drive-By Media is composed of the dimmest brains on this planet. It must be a mutant gene infesting them all. God Bless them - they don't understand this country or the people in it. They're all busy following an emperor with no clothes - but none of them can realize that the common man and woman out here can see he's naked as a jaybird!

Barack Hussien Obama (BHO) ... is a creation of the media. He is the most ill equipped candidate ever to be nominated for the office by a major party. He's there simply because of the media's support, Holywood's support - and because about 40 percent of the American population seems to be dumb ... or just like to be on a "cool" bandwagon.

The media has tripped over itself in it's orgasmic promotion of BHO. Chris Matthew's speaking about a "thrill going up my leg" whenever Obama speaks - and then immediately calling that an "objective assessment"! NEWS FLASH CHRIS ... YOU'RE IN THE TANK FOR OBAMA - AND YOU ALSO POSSIBLY HAVE SOMETHING "LATENT" GOING ON!

The examples of left-wing dominance of the Drive-By media are so numerous - they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Let's face it - trying to "cloak" their bias didn't get their guy ... Algore elected in 2000. They came out a bit more for John Kerry in 2004 and still couldn't win the election - this time the gloves and the pretense are OFF - and they don't care who sees that they aren't objective anymore.

Then something happened ...

First of all ... people started getting pissed off at this "slanted" news coverage in favor of the messiah - and a backlash hit him. He started slipping in the polls. At a time when you should be able to run a GOAT against a Republican and win - BHO was going under. He wasn't helping himself with his appearance at Saddleback where he claimed he "didn't know" when human life began because it was "above my paygrade". Well ... killing babies in the womb doesn't seem to be above his paygrade - why is he in support of killing babies in the womb if he isn't sure they're not "human life". What an idiot.

The Russia invaded Georgia - and McCain shot out of the gate with the approapriate position - the Russians need to get the hell out of Georgia now! BHO himmed and hawed and asked both sides to calm down - forget the fact that it was RUSSIA that did the invading - and Georgia was pretty much an innocent player in all this. After three days - BHO finally adopted McCain's position on the issue.

And Hillary ... oh Hillary ... BHO the messiah was unable to "unite" his own party! That's not good for a guy who claims he can "unite" a country!

In order to salvage himself he decided he needed some "Gravitas" ... so he threw the "yawn ball" at the plate in the form of Joe Biden - a pompous guy who plagerizes Neil Kinnock and has a brother and son under investigation for fraud. But the media didn't mention ANY of this in spite of the fact that Biden's history has been known by them for quite awhile".

But the people out here know Joe Biden ... and the "yawn ball" went high and outside.


Seeing all this ... Johnny "doubled down" on his "maverick card" and picked an attractive, young, intelligent, unabashedly conservative WOMAN!

"GOD DAMN!" That was the cry that went out in the media and in the BHO campaign headquarters. They looked at Sarah Palin the way that Joseph Hooker looked at Stonewall Jackson's Army when it came out of the wilderness at Chancellorsville to roll up Hooker's right flank.

And the Democrats and the media reacted EXACTLY the way Hooker did at Chancellorsville - with desparation!

Without even knowing this woman - they ripped into her in a mad effort to destroy her. They didn't just rip into her professional career - they went after her family ... stole her Social Security number ... made calls for her DNA to prove she was the mother of her son Trig. In their haste and hate ... they also got a lot of things WRONG about her story.

The double standard in the media was obvious to even the dimmest of us chuckleheads out here in middle America.

Democratic strategist Kirsten Powers seems to have been the only one who understood what was about to happen - but no one would listen to her plea ...

It was a leftist radical / drive-by media feeding frenzy - and with nothing coming from the McCain campaign - it looked like Sarah Palin might be forced off the Republican ticket ... which would have been a sure victory for BHO in November. This realization caused the frenzy of hate to swirl and boil over - and get exponentially worse - palpable to the senses of all Americans.

This hate fest by the left-wingers and media did two things ...

1. It galvanized the conservative base of the Repubicans around Sarah Palin - and by extension - around McCain - Johnny got his base back.

2. It ensured that 39 million Americans would tune in to Sarah Palin's acceptance speech.

Some folks tuned into the speech to watch her fail - some tuned in (like me) to pray and project as much strength through that TV tube and into her - so she wouldn't fail.

The pressure was intense. Sarah Palin had never spoken to a group larger than 800 people. And she had never made a speech on national television, in prime time - and under as much scrutiny and baggage as this.


Sarah Palin ...


Dude ... SHE WAS A MACHINE. Absolutely no nervousness. Glitchy Teleprompter? No problem - she glided through it with a wrinkled up, marked up paper copy of the speech.

That's a PRO.

The media set the stage for almost 40 million Americans to watch her speech - and she hit a grand slam that sent them reeling!

And not only that - her speech was so good ... people wanted to see who this "maverick" was that found this wonderful lady ... and MORE PEOPLE watched McCain's speech the following night than watched BHO's "Apollo the Greek God" speech the week before!

And not only that ... Sarah threw combination punches during the speech which HURT OBAMA.

And not only that ... it seems that she's inspired MALE REPUBLICANS to FIGHT TOO! Newt Gingrich taking on reporters ... Tom Delay taking on reporters - calling them to task. Nothing gets men moving as much as seeing a woman doing what they should have been doing all along!

And not only that ... Sarah Palin has caused such an eruption of enthusiasm among conservatives - she's lit a fire in McCain's fundraising. Conservative estimates show McCain raised over $10 million dollars in the two days after Sarah Palin's selection and he's on track to earn a total of $47 million dollars this month - a McCain high. Republicans are now saying - the money is covered now ... and they will be able to compete with the Democrats through the remainder of the election.

And the money won't stop there - because ...


And the media is still slamming her! Folks - it doesn't get any better than this. Each slam by the elitist media against Sarah Palin and McCain brings thousands more voters onto the "Straight Talk Express".

This is going to be exciting!

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