Thursday, January 12, 2006


Yesterday was a great day at the Senate Judiciary Hearings for Judge Alito …

Democrats are so used to getting away with smear tactics and just downright nasty behavior and treatment of others that they often forget that the American public STILL has limits on what they consider acceptable behavior. These days, admittedly – the limits are “way out there” – especially when it comes to the behavior of Democrats. But they are STILL out there.

And the Dems on the Senate Judiciary committee forgot about that fact.

The Dems, desperately seeking a chink in Alito’s armor – were unable to find one.

For them, that’s unacceptable.

So they then diligently set out to “create” a chink by resorting to “McCarthyesque” interrogation and smear tactics with a barrage of personal offenses cleverly thrown into the mix. My only guess is that these tactics were used in the hopes they could get Alito to come “unglued” and make some statement that would turn the hearings on their ears.

The exact opposite happened.

While “Joe McCarthy’ing” Alito – they sped right down the highway of slime so fast they completely crossed the line of what Americans consider “acceptable” behavior – even the low standard we all have for Democratic behavior.

They never saw it coming.

And at the opportune moment – the Republicans on the committee, led by Linsey Graham – pounced.

Republican questioning shifted abruptly to a style which highlighted the outrageous behavior of the Democrats.

“Are you a bigot, Judge Alito?” said Lindsey Graham.

Almost before Alito could get out a “no” response, Graham followed with …

“Of course you’re not a bigot.”

Then Graham went into a long list of emotional reasons why he knew that Alito wasn’t a bigot. The signed statements of judges of all colors who endorsed Alito as a good man; the way Alito and his wife raised his kids. In a voice filled with emotion, Graham cynically drove home the point of the outrageous behavior of the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee.

And then Graham finished with …

“I’m sorry Judge Alito, I’m sorry that your wife and your family had to sit here and listen to these outrageous accusations.”

At which point Ms. Alito – sitting right behind her husband with tear-filled eyes, got up quietly and left the hearings.


That one instant in time of these hearings clinched it. Alito will be the next Supreme Court justice.

This morning, the news is abuzz about this instant in time – and how dreadfully the Dems blew it yesterday. Blogs are filled with words like “McCarthy” to describe their questioning tactics of Alito. Suddenly, after 38 years, people are starting to ask the question …

“What right does TED KENNEDY have to question the integrity of anyone? Isn’t he the man who is responsible for the death of a young woman – caused by one of his drunken adulterous attempts to “get laid”? Didn’t he also attempt to cover up her death? What right does he have to throw stones at ANYONE???”

According to Roger L. Simon ...

"While Alito may have been associated with a creepy Princeton alumni publication of twenty years ago, Kennedy was associated was something much worse than that - and we all know it. Those of us of a certain age remember well his dazed expression when questioned about the events on Chappaquiddick, the answers that never added up, the story that never computed (still doesn't) and the moral, emotional and intellectual contortions we (supporters like me) went through to try to believe him."

and ...

"When Mrs. Alito walked out of the room, I thought of Mary Jo Kopechne."

I might add myself to that – what political party puts such a man out in front to represent it?

And from Tom Bevan over at REALCLEARPOLITICS ...

"Since 1969, when his presidential hopes drowned alongside Mary Jo Kopechne, it has always been a pathetic peculiarity of modern American politics to watch Senator Kennedy indignantly lecture others about ethics and morality – especially on the occasions when he has simultaneously engaged in distorting records and smearing reputations."

But enough of the hypocracy of Teddie Kennedy - which this blog has pointed out all to often. As much shame as I feel for the corruption of politicians in my home State here in Louisiana - voters in Massachusetts should have shame an order of magnitude greater than mine keeping Kennedy in office for these 38 years since he drove Mary Jo Kopechne off a cliff in Chappiquidock - leaving her there to die - and then attempting to cover it up.

Papers and Blogs are also filled this morning with not-so-flattering photos of Democratic committee members. The expressions on their faces tell a thousand words.

The game is over. Today, expect for the Dems to launch into LONG dissertations in an attempt to “clarify” the reasoning behind their questioning tactics – but don’t expect anything even close to an apology. It won’t happen.

But what will happen is … Alito will be our next Supreme Court Justice. He likely would have made it through anyway – but that spontaneous “instant in time” when Ms. Alito had to walk out of the hearings – clinched it.

Thank you very much there … Democrats! I’m wearing a huge smile on my face today!

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