Saturday, December 17, 2005


Yes folks, break out your dusty copies of "The Communist Manifesto" which have been put away since the 60's! They'll come in handy now that Louisiana has gone "Communist".

Well, maybe Kathy Blanco and her politboro aren't actually going communist - it's actually much worse.

It's much worse because even the Communists held sham elections.

But not here in Lousiana - we won't even do that.

Millions of Iraqis went to the polls this week to vote - at the threat of being killed by terrorists.

Even Sadaam Hussien, when he was in power - held elections - such as they were.

They hold elections in Iran and China too. Maybe even in North Korea - I'm not sure. They're not legitimate but at least they expend some effort to put on a show.

But not Kathy Blanco - she just issues an edict and CANCELS the elections in Louisiana! Indefinitely! Just cancelled 'em without even breathing a word of when they might actually ever be held!

Note to Kathy Blanco and every other crooked politician in Louisiana ...

We're tired of ALL OF YOU. You let us down after Hurricane Katrina - actually, you let us down WELL BEFORE KATRINA.

I'm told the historical root of the word "Katrina" comes from something in ancient Greek which translates to "the cleansing".

And A CLEANSING is actually what is going to happen here in Lousiana folks! The crooked politicians can run - boy can they run - but they can not hide!

So to Kathy Blanco I say - fine - put the elections off - but your days are numbered gal!

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